Shawn screamed, leaves and tangled weeds yielding beneath him as he tumbled headfirst into the pit. Blood blossomed across his chest, pooling below. He had set the trap himself; the bottom was lined with spikes. Karma, served ice-cold.
Felicia clicked her tongue, her flashlight illuminating Shawn's face. "Serves you right, doesn't it?"
Shawn howled, sweat pouring down his face. Yet, amidst the agony, a grim relief washed over him. In his haste, he'd used only nails, not knives; otherwise, he might not be alive. This relief was short-lived, however; fury surged, hotter than before. He twisted his head to glare at Felicia, growling, "So you knew, huh? Even then, you followed me, you witch!"
Felicia kicked him back into the pit, snatching the knife from his hand. "Lucas isn't here, is he? Where did you hide him?"
He'd created a decoy, making a tree appear to hold a captive to lure Lucas. No one was actually there.
Shawn sucked in a painful breath, a twisted grin spreading across his face. "Why don't you guess?" He looked pleased, certain Felicia wouldn't dare harm him.
But the satisfaction twisted into agony. His scream echoed, scattering birds. Owls hooted eerily into the night. The truly unsettling sight, however, was Felicia. The flashlight lay on the ground, illuminating only half her face, the other shrouded in shadow. She seemed more demon than angel.
She smiled sweetly, driving the knife into Shawn's arm and twisting it. As his eyes widened, her voice remained calm. "Don't worry," she said patiently, "I've only severed a few nerves. That's all." She muttered the last two words with eerie lightness. Shawn's face drained of color; his wide, terror-filled eyes fixed on her. He saw a madwoman.
"How dare you..." His body shook with rage; he longed to tear her apart.
Felicia felt wronged. Shawn had tried to kill her; she was merely returning the favor. Wasn't that fair? Besides, she hadn't forgotten his destruction of her hand in a past life. Considering both lifetimes, she'd shown extraordinary patience.
"Now talk. Where's Lucas?" Felicia's tone sharpened. "Don't test my patience, or you'll lose the other arm too!"
Shawn's right hand was useless; his chest bled heavily. He looked miserable.
"Would you really dare to kill me? If you do, I'll haunt you to your grave!" He trembled, but forced a fierce look.
Felicia burst into laughter. "You're joking, right? I don't even fear you alive! Why would I fear you dead? You're just a piece of trash, no matter what form you take!"