As soon as Dexter took the item, the man lost his grip and slipped back into the sea, disappearing into the depths. He was gravely injured; even if Dexter had pulled him out, survival was unlikely. Dexter felt a pang of pity and regret, but he sighed at the tragedy. It was such a simple favor; how could he refuse?
But Dexter was shocked by the item. His heart raced; he was tempted. Mind and heart warred, and ultimately, greed triumphed. He tucked the item into his jacket, left the party early with his bodyguards, and returned to shore on his yacht, pretending the incident never happened. After all, the man who entrusted him with it was dead.
Dexter rationalized: if not for his kindness in tossing the man a rope, the man and the item would have sunk. It never would have reached Stephan. This wasn't stealing, he decided; it was fate. He knew the dangers of possessing something so valuable. He kept it hidden, never mentioning it, not even to Myra.
Months passed without incident. Dexter believed the matter was behind him. He never imagined Myra would repeat those damning words: “Who told you that, darling?” Dexter asked nervously.
After hearing the whole story, Myra hit him, scolding, "How could you take another person's possession? Especially something belonging to the Russells!"
"We can discuss that later. First, tell me who told you I stole something," Dexter dismissed her.
"It was Felicia. I confronted her tonight, wanting to ask if she hurt Mina. That brat just blurted it out."
Myra paled, grabbing Dexter's hand. "Do you think everything that's happened to our family is because Stephan knows you took that item? Could this be his revenge?"
"T-That's probably... not the case..." Dexter stammered.
The Russells of Seldvale were a force to be reckoned with, capable of crushing families like theirs effortlessly. If Stephan discovered what happened, their family would be doomed.
Dexter shuddered. The thought that his greed might endanger his wife and children filled him with regret.
"We can't wait any longer!" Myra said decisively. "It doesn't matter whether Stephan knows or not. We have to return it immediately. Otherwise, we're doomed!"
Returning the item might earn them mercy if Stephan had traced it back; if not, it would at least put them in his good graces.
Dexter nodded. "You're right! We'll do as you say, darling."
"After all this talk, what exactly have you been hiding?" Myra held out her hand. "Where is it? Show me!"
"Well… maybe you shouldn't see it. I'm afraid you wouldn't want to give it up if you do…" Dexter trailed off.
"Nonsense! Do you think I'm as greedy as you?" Myra huffed.
Dexter, seeing Myra's temper flare, scurried to the bed, pried open a wooden floorboard, and retrieved a small box.
"That's it? It doesn't look all that valuable. Did you get conned?" Myra was skeptical.
Dexter gave her a mysterious look and opened the box. Myra's expression shifted from disinterest to shock. "This… This is…"