At the very last second, no one could have predicted the sudden appearance of someone behind Frank. She had been hidden in the shadows, her slender figure concealed by the debris along the hallway. Using the clutter as cover, she had crept closer unnoticed. It was Felicia.
Just as Frank loosened his grip to throw Sandra off the edge, two silver needles shot through the air, striking him with pinpoint accuracy. His movements froze, his body stiffening. Realizing someone was behind him, he let out an enraged howl, straining to break free from the paralysis. But before he could move, Felicia smashed a brick into his head with all her might.
The impact dazed him, and Felicia lunged forward, grabbing Sandra's clothes. Sandra was already dangling precariously over the edge of the railing. To pull her back, Felicia had to lean so far out that half her body hung in mid-air beyond the railing.
What happened next was completely unexpected. Though paralyzed by the needles, Frank let out a feral roar. In a final, desperate act, he leaned back over the railing, pulling himself and Felicia toward the edge, attempting to drag her down with him. It all happened in a heartbeat.
As Frank's body tipped over, Felicia had just enough time to fling Sandra upward with all her strength. Mike, sprinting toward them, caught Sandra in mid-air. But Felicia wasn't so lucky. The momentum of Frank's fall pulled her over the edge.
She plummeted from the second floor, thinking it was the end. Her mind blanked except for the horrifying realization of the grinding machine below. If she hit it, she would be gone in an instant, ground to nothing. "How pathetic," she thought, squeezing her eyes shut.
In the chaos, she vaguely heard someone shout from above, but couldn't make out the words. A powerful force yanked her from her freefall, pulling her sideways. In that instant, she felt a tight grip around her waist. The iron grip was unyielding, like a vise, and the scent that hit her was sharp, clean, and familiar. Someone shielded her before she could process it as they both tumbled to the ground, rolling several times before stopping.
The fall's impact was absorbed, leaving her shaken but not seriously hurt. Opening her eyes, she wasn't surprised to see Stephan's face. The two of them were tangled together, limbs intertwined in a way that could easily be mistaken for something romantic—like star-crossed lovers risking it all. Hearing the commotion, his men rushed inside and froze at the sight. Their expressions shifted awkwardly, as if they wished to become invisible. Stephan stood up, brushing himself off as if nothing had happened. Without a glance at Felicia, he turned and walked away, his expression cold and expressionless.
Felicia climbed to her feet, wincing as she rubbed her sore lower back. Mike came rushing down the stairs, relief flooding his face when he saw them both safe. "That was too close—way too close!" he exclaimed, still catching his breath.
Felicia hadn't seen what happened during her fall, so she didn't realize the extent of Stephan's actions. From Mike's perspective, it had been terrifying. At the speed she had fallen and the distance between them, Stephan had launched himself recklessly, risking everything to grab her. Both had been inches from being pulled into the deadly machine.
Words could not adequately describe the danger and sheer adrenaline—it was breathtaking and horrifying all at once. Had Stephan miscalculated even slightly, he would have been the first one swallowed by the machine.