Felicia stood still until the roar of the engine faded. Only then did her racing heart begin to calm. It was lonely in the large villa, but she'd grown accustomed to it. Young as she was, she managed to find ingredients in the fridge and cooked a simple meal.
As she finished cleaning the kitchen, her phone chimed. A text message: “Me and Stallere are at Skyway Street. Their lives might be in danger.” A blurry photo accompanied the message, showing a group of people surrounding a couple. Felicia instantly recognized Dexter and Myra.
Who sent this? What did they want? Were they informing her, or luring her into a trap?
Felicia called the number. A young man answered, “Felicia, if you don’t go now, your birth parents will die.”
Coldly, she asked, “Who are you?”
“You don’t need to know. I just… don’t want you to have regrets,” he sighed, his voice laced with empathy. The call ended.
Felicia tried calling back, but failed. Frustrated at her recurring involvement with dangerous situations, she muttered under her breath, her gaze returning to the photo. After a moment, she quickly changed clothes and left.
She found a cab easily. “To Skyway Street, please. Quickly!”
Skyway Street was crowded, teeming with thugs, each wielding a menacing mace, brandishing their weapons against the streetlights and shouting. Dexter and Myra, along with a terrified Kayla, were trapped in the center.
Since the Fullers' bankruptcy, the couple and Kayla had moved into the only remaining unconfiscated house, burdened by insurmountable debt. They had no bodyguard, no maid. Dexter sought to rebuild his fortune, but old friends avoided or scorned him. Myra’s beauty salon had closed due to a malpractice lawsuit, further jeopardizing their already precarious situation.
They endured it all, shielding their son, Sebastian, who was abroad. Dexter could usually handle such problems, but the treasure map had angered many. The public believed he'd deceived them, keeping the real map for himself. Like hounds, people relentlessly pursued him, desperate for a piece of the map and its rumored riches.