Jennica was certainly not expecting that job title. "You're his what?"
Cameron rubbed the back of his neck, sheepish. "I know it sounds weird I was in my first year of grad school when this serious eighteen-year-old kid—who'd been watching me clean up at unofficial blackjack and poker tournaments in the dorms for weeks—approached me.
"Aaron noticed I never lost and offered me a job straight out of school at his family's company. In exchange, I'd go on all-expenses-paid trips to Atlantic City to gamble with his money and give him the winnings. That's how he kickstarted his personal fortune."
Jennica gaped. That was one of the craziest things she'd ever heard—she knew Aaron Hale was a nut! "But why does he still have you do this? He's super rich!"
"That's his business. I just do what I'm told: compete in tournaments at gambling hotspots and give him the prize money. He gives me the buy-in, but I still keep part of the payouts. He's a generous overlord," he added with a wry smile.
She couldn't help but snicker. "So, he approves your time off as business trips, pays for everything, and you get to visit other countries? That sounds like the perfect job."
Cameron shrugged. "It's not all fun and games; I'm mostly sitting in dimly lit casinos for hours. Not much time for sightseeing, but I'm slowly working my way around the tourist sites in major cities. I've been to the Eiffel Tower and seen a couple of Cirque du Soleil shows in Vegas."
"Do you think Aaron needs a personal actress?" she joked. With an eccentric boss like that, she might see some pretty cool things if her job was anything like Cameron's.
"I doubt it. If you went to more than one event with him, you'd be torn apart by the wolves." That was probably true. She didn't want to experience another cocktail party like the last one.
"Darn. It would be so fun to travel," Jennica sighed dramatically. "The most exotic place I've ever been is Michigan."
"I'm going to the Bahamas in January. Want to tag along?"
She was about to ask if he was serious when the loudspeaker announced the safety procedures before takeoff. This distracted her enough that she forgot to ask.
Cameron put in his earbuds and listened to music the entire flight, while Jennica used the free Wi-Fi to look up December auditions, scheduling around her music video filming.
The two hours passed quickly.
When they landed and headed toward baggage claim, Cameron reached out and took her hand.
At her questioning look, he explained, "Your mom just texted that they're waiting for us. It's better to start acting like a couple now."
Right. The illusion had begun. Her heart thumped; Jennica might have bitten off more than she could chew this weekend.
They held hands onto the escalator. When she spotted her family below, she waved with her free hand. Her mom's eyes widened at the sight of her daughter holding hands with a man.
At the bottom, she released Cameron and ran to Brian.
He caught her with a startled laugh. "Whoa there, Jenny. I missed you too, but who's this?"
"I don't see you for nearly a year, and that's all you have to say?" she complained, refusing to let go.
"It's not like I didn't call you!"
"Not nearly as often as you called Ali. Hi, Ali," she said sheepishly, peeking out from under his arm.
Ali beamed and waved. "Want to let go of my husband and introduce us?"
"Right." Jennica backed up, and Cameron casually slung an arm around her shoulders. "This is my boyfriend, Cameron Singleton."
"Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?!" Anna screeched.
"I wanted to surprise you guys. Surprise!"
Brian and Alison exchanged looks. "Well, we're certainly surprised. How long have you been dating?"
"We met in the spring at a roller skating party," Cameron lied smoothly. "About six months now."
Six months? They hadn't known each other for six weeks! Still, six months was more believable than less than one. She'd roll with it.
Brian snorted. "A roller skating party?"
"He's just jealous he can't skate," Alison said cheerfully. "What happened? I want details!"
"Well," Jennica began. This much was true, so it shouldn't be too hard, though it was embarrassing with Cameron present. "I was skating backward, bumped into him, he caught me, and we skate-danced the next two songs."
"How romantic!"
Anna was skeptical. "Skate dancing? You're not one of those frivolous artsy types, too, are you?"
"Mom!" she protested. She'd been there less than five minutes and her job was already being disparaged.
"No ma'am, I'm a financial analyst on Wall Street," Cameron said simply.
You could practically hear crickets. The entire Stevens clan was dumbstruck. Jennica was sorely tempted to laugh. Bringing him was worth it just for this!
"Oh look, I think I see our suitcases," he continued, oblivious to the chaos he'd caused.
Cameron fetched their luggage, and her mother pulled her aside. "Is he telling the truth?!"
Jennica nodded. "Why would he lie? He's the head of the analyst department at Hale Investments. I've even met his boss."
There was a branch in downtown Cincinnati, so her mother knew how big a deal Hale Investments was. Her demeanor changed instantly.
"You have to get him to marry you! You've cooked for him, right? The way to a man's heart is through his stomach!"
Jennica sighed. "Yes, Mom, I've cooked for him. Stop talking; he's coming back!"
Cameron smiled warmly as he placed Jennica's suitcase in front of her. She hoped he hadn't heard them. It was going to be a long few days.