Run, Girl (If You Can)-Chapter 177: Love Is An Ambition All Its Own
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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Aaron briefly explained his predicament, blaming his father and the Knightons. "Any ideas would be helpful. I've got nothing."

Jennica pondered for a moment. "If she doesn't exist, say you've been in a long-distance relationship, kept it secret in case it didn't work out, but couldn't contain your love upon seeing her again—hence the public proposal."

"Alistair might buy it," Cameron mused. "Just act as lovesick as you usually do when talking about Keeley, and you'll be fine."

He scowled. Was he really that transparent? He considered himself better at hiding his emotions. If even Cameron could see through him, why couldn't Keeley?

"Speaking of Keeley…does she know?" Jennica asked hesitantly. "I wouldn't want her to be hurt."

Aaron chuckled hollowly at the idea of Keeley being hurt. She didn't care; she'd texted congratulations. She probably saw the engagement as a way to get rid of him.

"She knows, and even if she didn't, she wouldn't care."

Jennica made a skeptical sound. "Don't be so sure. Before your fight, I was almost certain she liked you."

He blinked in disbelief. Jennica thought Keeley liked him? How? Keeley obviously hated him.

"Really?" he asked faintly.

"She got really defensive whenever you were mentioned. Protesting too much, I think."

Interesting. Aaron didn't know Jennica well enough to judge her perception, but if she was right, Keeley had warmed to him before the truth emerged. As Jennica said, Keeley would never have befriended him knowing he remembered everything. She'd accepted him because she thought he was a different person.

He made a noncommittal sound, changing the subject. "That's all I needed. I can embellish the story. Thanks for the idea, and enjoy your night."

They said goodbye and hung up. He imagined them cuddling, unconcerned with him. How pleasant to have someone you love nearby.

He felt worse after the call. If Jennica was right, he might have had a chance if Keeley hadn't discovered the truth. The thought was a dagger to his heart. He longed to spend the day holding her, watching movies like Cameron and Jennica.

Aaron had never loved movies; he'd often refused Keeley's requests to watch them. He should have seen those moments as opportunities for closeness, ignoring the film.

He wanted to slap his younger self for his stupidity. Now he desperately craved something he'd once rejected.

As predicted, everyone at work congratulated him. Strangers wished him happiness; it was unnerving.

His father's summons was inevitable. Surprisingly, it didn't come until lunch at a nearby sushi restaurant. Alistair usually lunched with other executives, but this was just the two of them—meaning a serious scolding.

He didn't attack until after the appetizers arrived.

"Care to explain why you didn't answer my calls this weekend?" he asked icily.

"My cat knocked my phone under the couch while it was on silent," Aaron deadpanned.

"Since when do you have a cat?"

"I got her last summer. Haven't you seen the picture in my office?"

Aaron knew his father regularly searched his office for incriminating evidence. Aiden had the footage to prove it. He wouldn't admit that, though. He cleared his throat. "That's beside the point. Your stunt put me in an awkward position."

"Because I tried marrying you off without consulting me? I've told you a hundred times: I'd rather cut off my own ear than marry Lacy Knighton. I love someone else."

Alistair grew colder.

"You could have told me sooner. Bethany Carlisle is acceptable. I wouldn't have objected. Keeping your relationship secret only embarrassed me in front of a business partner."

"It was long-distance. I waited for more solid ground," he lied, using Jennica's idea.

He waited for his father's reaction. The appetizers arrived; Alistair gathered his thoughts. Aaron ate his spring rolls unconcernedly. He couldn't show weakness.

"If you were waiting for solid ground, why the incredibly stupid public proposal? That was in poor taste. I raised you better than that," Alistair said frigidly.

He hadn't raised Aaron much at all. His interactions were cold, harsh, and businesslike. Alistair had the nerve to talk about raising him when he only noticed Aaron when he excelled. Otherwise, he was ignored, left to nannies.

"I lost my head," Aaron said, mimicking his Keeley-infused tone. "Seeing Bethany again after so long, I couldn't control the urge to make her mine permanently."

Alistair seemed less convinced. "Love only hinders ambition."

"Love is an ambition," he replied coolly, thinking of his unfulfilled desires. "It doesn't affect my business sense, so you have no grounds to complain."

"Lacy Knighton would have been a better business choice," his father said stiffly. "Her father and I already work together. We could have merged our interests. As it is, you've offended them, and I have to clean up your mess."

"Your business partners are none of my concern, Father. None of this would have happened if you hadn't jumped the gun and set something up without talking to me. I'm not to blame."

Alistair couldn't deny his son's logic. Aaron ate his next spring roll with supreme satisfaction. He'd won this round.

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