Ryan wanted to visit Keeley's new place, but she couldn't allow it. First, it was a temporary stay. Second, she'd have to explain she was staying with a friend—a friend Ryan knew—and he'd immediately realize it was Aaron and become angry.
She knew he was looking out for her, but he didn't have the whole story. To avoid a lecture, she suggested they get burgers instead.
After taking a bite, he asked, "So, what have you been up to this week besides unpacking?"
Keeley hadn't unpacked at all. "Watching TV, hanging with the cats, swimming. Not much. I'm loving not having homework; I can relax after work."
He laughed. "I remember that feeling. It's nice. Hang on, though—cats? Plural? Did you get another one?"
"No," she said, "it's my… roommate's… cat."
They weren't actually roommates; she was housesitting and catsitting, but she couldn't explain that without revealing she was staying at Aaron's.
"Does Molly get along with the other cat?"
Relieved he didn't press further, she replied, "Oh yeah, they're totally buds. I caught them grooming each other yesterday."
"That's good. I've heard cats can be territorial. I had a neighbor whose cat died. She got a kitten, but her other cat never accepted it."
"How sad," Keeley murmured. The story resonated with her; she knew what it felt like to be rejected.
She ate a ketchup-dipped French fry morosely until Ryan asked, "Have you seen Valentina at all?"
Keeley snorted. She'd only heard from Valentina via text, reminding her to keep up with "Rico y Reencarnado" for their video chat.
"No, but that hasn't stopped her from reminding me to watch my telenovela."
Ryan smiled. "You need a reminder to watch your own show? Don't most people get excited when their creation is released?"
"They portray my main characters wrong," she grumbled. "You wouldn't like seeing your characters butchered, would you?"
She imagined it was similar for an artist. Luz was weaker and more of a damsel in distress than she'd intended, and Hector Garza misrepresented Aaron completely. The show was cliché, overdramatic, and nothing like what happened. The showrunners ran with her idea too far.
"I see your point. What's wrong with them?"
"They got telenovela-ized," she sighed. "They made the girl weaker and the guy more suave and sexy. I'm more bothered by him, honestly."
"What's the guy supposed to be like?" Ryan asked.
"A complete ice cube."
He frowned. "Like your ex?"
How did he make that connection? She quickly defended Aaron.
"He's not an ice cube!"
Doubt clouded his features. "Keeley, I've only met him a few times, but he's the coldest person I've ever encountered. He's totally an ice cube. Did you base your character on him?"
Her face flushed, and her silence was an answer. Was she that transparent?
"So you did. Why?"
Ashamed, she mumbled, "I was bitter, so I made him the villain. The showrunners changed everything; they turned him into a typical telenovela male lead."
Ryan's brow furrowed. "I don't get you. One minute you slam him, the next you defend him. Either you hate him or you don't. Which is it?"
Keeley wondered the same thing. She was too hot and cold. Deep down, she didn't hate Aaron anymore. He'd done stupid things, but he was trying to make amends. Her conflict wasn't about hate.
"I don't hate him. He's…not as bad as I thought."
"You said he left you for his side chick. In what world is that not bad?"
She'd said too much when drunk on appletinis. No wonder Ryan saw him negatively.
"that was a misunderstanding," she said lamely. It was the truth, even if it sounded like every girl making excuses.
He didn't believe her.
"Uh-huh. That's what they all say. My sister's boyfriend claimed the girl he cheated with was his cousin. Too bad cousins don't hold hands and kiss."
"I'm serious!" Keeley insisted. "His parents pushed them together, but he hated her."
"Can you even hear yourself?" he asked, crushing fries. "You're making excuses for someone who hurt you!"
It sounded like that. She should have kept quiet.
"Ryan, I—"
He grabbed her hand. "You. Deserve. Better. Ditch that guy permanently."
"I never said I was with him! How did you get from basing a villain on him to us getting back together?" she demanded. He was being unreasonable.
Ryan scowled. "I've seen how you are with him. At first you were afraid, but now…you almost seem to care. If you didn't, you wouldn't have helped him after he got that black eye!"
"I was being nice! He helped me, so I returned the favor!"
Why were they even having this conversation? Ryan was usually relaxed. It was strange he was so worked up, even if he disliked Aaron.