Keeley was unsure what had Aaron so worried about the dinner. Gray hadn't acted strangely; in fact, his unusually genuine smile suggested he was enjoying himself.
She had been right—he genuinely liked his younger brother. This was good news; having a dangerous person on your side is always better than having them against you.
Everyone chatted in the living room while she and Aaron fed the fussy babies. Gray was more animated than she'd ever seen, swapping college stories with Aaron about their time in Boston—MIT and Harvard being so close.
Keeley couldn't participate; as far as her father knew, she'd never even visited Boston, let alone lived there. However, she noticed Aaron mostly recounted shared experiences, omitting her name for Robert's sake.
She wondered what Aaron had done in college besides recruiting Cameron and planning his takeover. Had he ever had fun without her? Had he revisited their haunts?
Knowing Aaron's sentimental nature, he probably had. A weight settled on her heart. He must have been lonely. The constant reminders of her presence everywhere must have been difficult.
She mussed his hair, a silent gesture of affection. He smiled sweetly and continued the conversation.
"My roommate and I subsisted on fluffernutters for a week after someone gave us a giant jar of marshmallow fluff as a white elephant gift one Christmas. I got a cavity," Gray said tragically.
"I've had that happen," Aaron admitted. "Not my favorite, but a friend insisted—her roommate swore by them."
Keeley rolled her eyes at the subtle dig. She remembered it as one of the rare times he'd shown any facial expression beyond his usual blankness.
"Ever had a fluffernutter, Keeley?"
"Oh yeah, all the time in college. A roommate from Boston introduced me."
"Which one?" Robert asked, confused. Crap. She'd forgotten he knew most of her roommates.
"Someone from my sophomore year. She didn't live with Valentina and me long," she lied.
"Ah, I can't keep track. I mostly remember Valentina because you always invited her for holidays." Phew! Safe.
She glanced at the clock. It was late; the babies needed baths and bed.
"Brownies for the road, guys? It's almost bedtime."
"Glad I don't deal with bedtime anymore," her father chuckled. "You and Kaleb would've stayed up all night if we'd let you."
She stuck out her tongue. Quickly serving brownies and putting some on two plates, she handed them out, hugged her father, and wished everyone goodnight.
Exhausted, Keeley collapsed onto the couch. Having to be so careful with her words had been draining.
"Some close calls tonight," she lamented.
"But we handled them. It went well," Aaron said, sitting beside her and stroking her hair.
Kaleb cooed from his bouncer. She sighed. Baths were time-consuming, and she longed for sleep.
"Do they really need baths?"
"They skipped the last two days. Yes. I'll take Kaleb if you take Violet. Quick and then bed."
"You read my mind," she said fervently.
They bathed the twins side-by-side in the master bathroom. Thankfully, it took only fifteen minutes. Keeley felt ready to pass out, knowing she'd be up in a few hours for feedings.
After baths, diapers, matching striped onesies, and bottles, the babies were settled in their bassinets. Keeley showered and brushed her teeth with record speed before collapsing into bed.
At least they fell asleep quickly these days. She didn't want to imagine toddlerhood. She'd cross that bridge later.
"I'm so tired, Aaron," she mumbled into his shoulder.
He held her close and kissed her hair. "I know, sweetheart. It won't be forever. Probably a few more months until a somewhat normal sleep schedule."
That day felt distant. The babies woke them at least three times nightly. She didn't know how Aaron functioned at work.
She sometimes napped while the twins slept, but he couldn't. Poor Aaron. Yet, he remained patient and loving when he came home.
Keeley wouldn't have pegged him as patient, but here they were. She snuggled closer and fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.
(Note: The promotional text at the end was removed as requested. It appeared to be a website advertisement.)