The moment they stepped back into their apartment, the cats swarmed them excitedly, rubbing forcefully against their legs. Keeley stopped pushing the double stroller and scooped up the purring Molly.
"Hey, pretty girl," she cooed. "Did you miss me?"
She glanced over and saw Aaron doing the same with Dinah. He was such a softy beneath his icy exterior.
Now that Lacy wasn't a threat, it was good to be home. She could do whatever she wanted! She planned to take the twins to Central Park later in the week, maybe even to the library to pick out more children's books. The world felt open without that threat hanging over her head.
As soon as they were unpacked, Aaron began making phone calls. He needed to finalize the takeover and schedule a meeting with his shareholders. He also wanted an update from Aiden on Lacy's murder investigation.
Unfortunately, Aiden didn't have much. Police databases were easy for him to hack, but there wasn't enough information. Lacy had been found in the Bronx by Aiden's sister, Sophie, without identification, her left carotid artery severed. She'd bled to death.
The autopsy indicated a small blade, used by someone with knife experience. The toxicology report showed nothing unusual, but that might be because she'd been given something requiring specific testing.
That was it. The police were still investigating her phone records and gathering information about her life to question people and determine who last saw her alive.
"They'll probably come looking for me," he told Keeley grimly. "Everyone who knew her knows about her obsession with me. We were out of town, so they can't pin this on me, but I still don't want to talk to the police."
Keeley kissed his cheek, sympathetic to his plight. Aaron genuinely wanted no involvement.
"It'll be alright," she reassured him. "The doorman can confirm you never interacted with her and always had her removed. You'll be fine."
"But what if they ask if I knew who did this?"
"You don't know for sure, so it's not a lie besides, what are you worried about? You're a fantastic liar!"
Aaron was disgruntled. "That's not the kind of compliment I'm looking for, sweetheart."
She shrugged. "Well, it's true. You convinced me you hated me when you're actually a devoted sap. If you can do that, you can answer a few questions without mentioning Gray."
"Thanks, Keeley," he said dryly. "You're so supportive."
"Can't fault me for giving you a hard time now and then," she said with a wink.
Her ability to joke about it showed how much she'd healed. It was good to see her putting the past behind her.
Keeley wanted to look nice for the other shareholders. They were all going to an upscale Mexican restaurant; Aaron wanted to show her "proper tacos." She laughed, remembering his aversion to ordinary ones.
She wore a sleeveless light purple blouse, dark wash skinny jeans, and gold sandals. Her DNA necklace and hoop earrings matched her shoes.
The twins were dressed more casually: Yankees onesies with shorts, bought by Robert. Only Violet's blue headband with a flower indicated she was a girl.
Aaron wore a simple light green shirt and slacks, yet still looked formal. The Hales were a good-looking bunch.
She was nervous, though. What if these people didn't like her? What if they thought she wasn't good enough for Aaron, like high society always had?
At least Jennica and Cameron would be there. Keeley could comfortably talk to them.
When they arrived at the restaurant, Jennica hugged her. "Girl, I haven't seen you in weeks! How are you? You look great!"
"So do you," Keeley replied with a smile.
Her friend had recently gotten a layered haircut that flattered her face, and her coral pink dress complimented her skin tone.
"So you're the infamous Keeley Hall, huh?" a feminine voice asked appraisingly.
"That would be the infamous Keeley Hale," Aaron corrected, joining them. "Keeley, this is my friend Alice. Alice, this is my wife."
Alice's eyes widened. "You married her, and nobody found out?! Wait I see baby carriers. Since when did you have kids?"
"A little over three months ago."
Alice shook her head in disbelief. "You really are too sneaky. I can't believe you managed to get married and have two children without anyone finding out."
"I knew," Cameron added, raising his hand.
Keeley rolled her eyes. "Well, that makes sense. Everyone knows you're Aaron's right-hand man."
Jennica chuckled. "I think he and Aiden duke it out regularly for that spot."
"Who's Aiden?" Keeley asked.
"Another one of my associates. Come on, let's sit down. We can wait for Roger and Kyle at the table," Aaron said gruffly, carrying Kaleb's car seat.
Once seated, Alice leaned forward, intrigued. Keeley felt like a specimen under a microscope. Was this woman disapproving, like everyone else had been in her past life?
She hadn't interacted much with Alice before, despite being in the same social circles; they weren't in the same shopping groups. Alice tended to associate with her mother-in-law's group and others Keeley didn't know well.
Feeling self-conscious under Alice's scrutiny, she shrunk back.
"Alice, you're scaring her," Aaron said with a sigh.
Alice smiled. "Terribly sorry. I'm just amazed this ice block actually fell in love. I've been curious about you for a long time."
The final sentence, "Search the website on Google to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality," is an advertisement and should be removed.