Run, Girl (If You Can)-Chapter 32: Define Within Reason
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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Keeley shrank back, wishing she hadn't come to school. She didn't know how to answer his question. Was it rhetorical? She planned to run away, but feared his reaction if she admitted it.

Just as she opened her mouth to fabricate an answer, his phone rang.

"What?" Aaron barked into the speaker, still looming over her. "I got held up at school. I'll be there soon. You're paying him, aren't you? You can afford to wait. Bye."

He slammed the phone shut, his expression turning frightening. "I'm late. Be prepared to compensate me tomorrow."

She nodded, relieved for the moment, but dreading his definition of "compensation."

Weak-kneed, she slumped against the locker after he stormed off, her heart racing. How had she attracted his attention? Why wouldn't he leave her alone?

Unfortunately, Keeley was too dazed to notice someone watching.

Rachel von Dyne, a friend of Lacy's, knew Lacy's intense interest in Aaron. She saw an opportunity to trade a favor for Lacy's limited-edition Prada bag.

She texted Lacy: "Just saw something you might be interested in regarding your future boyfriend."

Lacy responded immediately: "Name your price."

"I get to use your limited-edition Prada bag for a month."

"Make it a week."

Rachel smiled. It was best to start high with Lacy, who enjoyed haggling. A week suited her; she planned to shop downtown and wanted everyone to admire the bag.

"Deal. It's too long to text, so I'll tell you tomorrow at lunch."

"Just call me. You'll forget the details."

Rachel called Lacy, detailing the scene she'd witnessed. Unbeknownst to Rachel, Lacy's expression darkened throughout the conversation. Lacy was furious.

Keeley tossed and turned all night, worrying about Aaron. She arrived at school with prominent dark circles under her eyes.

"You look terrible," he commented.

She scowled. "Thanks."

He ignored her sarcasm. "I enjoyed the brownies."

Could this mean he'd forgive her for making him late? Perhaps babbling would distract him.

"Ah, those were nothing. With more time and ingredients, I could have made marshmallow brownies. Have you ever had those? You melt mini marshmallows on top during the last few minutes of baking, then add chocolate frosting. My grandma used to make them; they were fantastic."

"Which one?" he asked.

"Huh?" Keeley was doubtful this tactic would work.

"Your maternal or paternal grandmother?"

"My dad's mom. She passed away from Alzheimer's in middle school. Before she lost her memory and went to a nursing home, she baked constantly."

Aaron considered this. "I want to try them later."

This threw her. "You what?"

"Maybe next month," he mused. "It can be part of your compensation."

She should have known she wouldn't get off easily. Distraction had only given him ideas. Baking again would be simple—perhaps he was showing mercy.

However, "Hang on, you said 'part'?"

His eyes glinted. "My time is valuable. Your father isn't the only one who can lecture. You held me up. To compensate me, you'll have lunch with me for a month."

How was that fair? They both got in trouble!

"I refuse."

"Then I'll tell everyone you're my girlfriend."

Keeley gasped. That was far worse than spending time with him! Lacy would be enraged.

"You wouldn't dare."

"I would. So, which is it?"

"I don't want to sit in the cafeteria," she said stubbornly.

Both options were terrible, but she might have more control over lunch.

"Fine. Just eat with me and do as I say, within reason," Aaron replied smoothly.

Do whatever he says? No way. He was overreacting.

"Don't test me, Aaron. I'll eat lunch with you, but nothing else," she said through gritted teeth.

How had this happened? Telling people they were dating would be disastrous, but wouldn't eating together have a similar effect? Rumors would spread regardless.

"Fine. Option two it is then."

"No wait! Define 'within reason'," Keeley pleaded.

She needed more information.

Aaron was silent, and she fumed. Of all people, why him? He was so childish! He hadn't been like this before!

His desperation to spend time with her made no sense. Perhaps he was doing it to torment her.

The bell rang. He grabbed her hand and dragged her to the cafeteria.

"You said we wouldn't eat here!" she hissed, pulling away.

He looked at her incredulously. "I still need food. Don't move—I'll be right back."

Keeley pulled her hood over her head and faced the wall, trying to disappear. She couldn't be seen; things were already bad enough.

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