Roger wasn't sure what to make of Keeley Hale, even after meeting her twice. She wore light gray cotton lounge shorts and an oversized blue Yankees T-shirt. She was at home on a Saturday, and the casual outfit, which Alice had borrowed, further cemented Roger's impression of her relaxed nature. Keeley seemed completely at ease around her husband, which was astonishing! No one was relaxed around Aaron Hale!
Granted, Aaron seemed different around Keeley—he actually showed emotion!—but he couldn't always have been this way. When they first met, Aaron must have been his usual self. So, how had she not been scared away before falling for him?
What kind of woman could fall in love with someone as imposing as Aaron Hale?
Roger had seen articles about his boss's wife, published shortly after the company takeover. In one, she described him as "just Aaron." He was curious how anyone could describe him that way. He was a force of nature—there was nothing "just" about him.
As he observed the woman who had tamed the scariest person he knew, he recalled Alice's earlier comment: she'd slapped Aaron for kissing her. She had incredible nerve!
No matter how angry someone got, they shouldn't dare slap someone so frightening. She seemed fearless of the potential consequences. However, if Alice's theory—that Aaron had been in love with her all along—was correct, it made sense that he wouldn't retaliate.
Still, it was hard to comprehend. What kind of complicated history did they share? They seemed perfectly happy now, like any other couple.
One of the twins fussed, and Keeley apologized before attending to the child. Roger could tell it was a girl only because of her pink onesie.
"What are your children's names again?" he asked.
She smiled warmly; it was dazzling. Roger had never seen such a radiant smile. He could almost believe Aaron fell in love with her for that alone.
"This is Violet; Kaleb is in his bouncer."
"Aren't they cute?" Alice asked wistfully. "I've had so much fun playing with them."
"Once they're a bit older, and I feel comfortable leaving them, you're welcome to babysit anytime," Keeley said, laughing as she bounced her daughter.
"I'll probably take you up on that."
Aaron returned with a box of kitchen items, setting it down with a thump before fetching the TV and DVD player. This took less time, as it was lighter.
"Do you have everything else you need?" he asked gruffly.
Alice looked down at her clothes. "If I can grab my toiletries and change, I'll be good to go. Thank you so much for letting me impose on you for so long."
"It's fine. I'm glad I could help. Don't be a stranger, alright? Keep me posted on how things go with your lawyer."
The mention of the lawyer surprised Roger. Had Aaron found her a lawyer? He should have realized; despite his icy nature, he was a good boss who looked out for his employees.
She nodded and hurried to the bathroom. Roger subtly observed his boss. He was dressed as casually as his wife, a far cry from his usual attire. Before this, Roger wasn't sure he'd ever seen Aaron out of a suit—maybe once.
Aaron picked up his son and rocked him, making the baby giggle. Roger would have to tell Kyle; he wouldn't believe it.
Roger and Kyle had known each other before Hale Investments. When they joined, they were so young and inexperienced compared to other employees that they stuck together, even ending up in the same department.
Unlike Cameron Singleton, who became head of the analyst department in a few years, Roger and Kyle started in the planning department, working directly with clients on financial planning.
Aaron had originally intended to place them in the analyst department, but there were no openings at the time; it would have been suspicious. The planning department had recently lost four people, making it easier to add two new employees.
Roger didn't mind; he still had a high-paying job at a top financial management company. That was a huge accomplishment straight out of college. Maybe someday he could apply for a transfer.
Alice returned, wearing one of the dresses she'd bought and heeled sandals, looking much more like her usual self. She hugged Aaron and Keeley tightly, thanking them again, before grabbing the TV and DVD player.
Without being asked, Roger picked up the heavy box of kitchen items. He was about to say he'd see Aaron on Monday, but he wasn't sure he would.
There was a board meeting, but he was no longer a board member. This would be the first one since the takeover. He wondered if Alistair would even show up, perhaps too ashamed after the previous drama.
The final sentence, including the website advertisement, has been removed as it was unrelated to the text cleanup request.