Run, Girl (If You Can)-Chapter 376: Different Kinds Of Love
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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Keeley blurted out her question as soon as Aaron walked in: "How do I tell my boss about someone without sounding like I'm tattling?" She looped her arms around his waist, her eyes wide with expectation.

Aaron chuckled, kissing her forehead. "That's your first thought after not seeing me all day? No lunchtime text?"

"Sorry," Keeley replied. "Someone sat next to me, and the conversation helped me figure out the problem with my research assistant."

With the kids playing upstairs in Kaleb's room, Keeley explained the situation while preparing dinner. Once finished, she patiently waited for his advice.

Aaron pondered for a moment. Keeley couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked when concentrating. No wonder so many women preferred reliable, hardworking men.

"This is tricky," he said. "If you're not careful, your boss will think you're trying to get rid of her because you're dissatisfied with her work. That could get her in trouble, and she'd resent you even more."

"I know," Keeley sighed. "That's why I'm asking an expert."

He smiled at the compliment, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's simple. Dr. Butler will do anything you ask. Just find another research assistant—someone from outside the lab—and then request that [current assistant's name] be reassigned."

Keeley considered this. It was brilliant! She wouldn't have to mention Kate's attitude or performance. She already had someone in mind: Erica, a recently unemployed post-doc who was working an underpaid job as a blood technician. Erica would jump at the chance for a raise and a prestigious lab position. They'd worked together before, though it might be a little awkward being her superior. She texted Erica immediately:

"If I had a research assistant position for you, would you be interested?"

Erica replied instantly: "Are you kidding? Anything would be better than this blood-sample hell! I didn't spend eight years in school for this!"

Keeley texted back: "Awesome. I'll get back to you tomorrow after I talk to my boss." Erica sent a thumbs-up emoji.

Keeley grinned at her husband. "You solved it!"

"Reward kiss?" Aaron asked.

She rolled her eyes but complied. He was shameless, but she secretly loved it.

Their make-out session in the kitchen was interrupted by the twins, who looked curious rather than horrified. Keeley and Aaron usually only shared quick pecks in front of the children.

"What are you doing?" Kaleb asked.

They jumped apart. Keeley's face flushed, but Aaron remained calm, putting an arm around her.

"Kissing," he explained. "It's what mommies and daddies do to show they love each other."

"You love Mommy a lot, right, Daddy?" Kaleb asked innocently.

"Yep. I love Mommy the most."

Violet pouted. "What about me?"

Aaron scooped them both up. "I love you all the most, but it's different. Mommy's my wife, and you're my kids."

"What's a wife?" Kaleb asked.

Keeley fought back laughter. They were so young! Aaron answered, as she knew she'd lose her composure if she tried.

"There are different kinds of love. I love you because we're family. But if you really love someone who isn't family, you can marry them, and they become family too. If you marry a woman, she's your wife; if you marry a man, he's your husband."

"So you're Mommy's husband," Kaleb concluded.

Violet's eyes lit up. "I wanna marry Noah!"

Keeley burst into giggles. It was too cute! She'd have to tell Jennica.

"Mommy, why are you laughing?" Violet asked.

Keeley patted her daughter's head. "Because you're cute, and it makes me happy."

Violet beamed. "I'm cute! Be happy, Mommy!"

"Am I cute too?" Kaleb asked.

"Of course! I have the cutest kids in the world," Keeley said, kissing his head.

The children were appeased and went to play with their dad. Keeley finished dinner, still chuckling internally. Her kids were truly adorable.

Later, Keeley confidently presented her proposal to Dr. Butler, framing it as a favor to her friend and a way to streamline research. Dr. Butler seemed willing to comply, but frowned.

"I'd love to help, Dr. Hale, but three research assistants is a lot for your type of research."

This was exactly what she wanted. She shrugged nonchalantly.

"I was talking to Dr. Graham yesterday. He could use more help. Didn't Kate used to work on his team? She could go back."

He accepted her explanation. Excellent. Keeley left with a promise to bring Erica in on Monday. Now she just had to tell Kate. The next few days should be smooth sailing.

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