Run, Girl (If You Can)-Chapter 438: Thats What Im Here For
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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Nathan listened intently to his sister's explanation of her show until the timer for the apple rose puffs went off. She only showed real passion when discussing dance; otherwise, she could be quite apathetic.

Most people assumed Violet didn't care about anything, but that was because they'd never heard her expound on dance. Her entire countenance lit up when she talked about her passion, completely transforming her usually expressionless face.

Typically, she was too embarrassed to discuss her feelings about dance with others. Only Noah and her family felt comfortable enough for her to open up, which Nathan found a pity. Violet might have more friends if she showed them her bright, lively side.

"The dessert's done!" Nathan yelled toward the living room, where his parents were undoubtedly cuddling.

They entered a moment later, hand-in-hand. Keeley beamed. "It smells fantastic, Nate! I can't wait to try it."

Nathan beamed back. Though he preferred savory cooking, he'd enjoyed his dessert courses—a requirement regardless of specialization.

"These are best warm, but let's wait a few minutes to avoid burning our mouths," he advised.

They sat in companionable silence while the pastries cooled. Violet didn't realize how tired she was until the quiet settled. She needed to wash her face and go to bed after eating.

The apple rose puffs were delicious, as expected. She decided to praise her brother, even though it might inflate his ego like Kaleb's.

"These are fantastic, Nate. Every time I eat something you make, it tastes better than the last."

He kissed her cheek. "Thanks, sis."

Of all her siblings, Nathan resembled her most. He didn't have their father's eyes—his were a lighter blue—but their hair was almost identical.

Oliver didn't resemble anyone in particular. He had light brown hair and hazel eyes. He had his dad's nose, but who would notice except relatives?

The Hale children were a mixed bunch. When Violet was out with Kaleb or Oliver, no one initially believed they were related. It was more believable when the whole family was together, as most resembled at least one parent.

Poor Oliver had endured countless comments about his dissimilar appearance over the years.

"I'm going to bed," Violet announced, yawning after consuming three puffs.

She'd regret that in the morning. Nathan's presence significantly impacted her diet. Eating well was crucial for a ballerina. Cheat days couldn't happen often.

She sometimes regretted her career choice when she smelled forbidden foods. Then she remembered her love for professional dance and persevered.

After removing the glitter from her face, Violet flopped onto her bed. Despite being able to afford her own place, she hadn't moved out; it was home, and she was comfortable.

Her schedule meant that if she didn't live at home, she'd rarely see her parents or Nathan. It was more convenient. The Hales' apartment building was ideally located between her studio and Noah's dojo, her two most frequent destinations.

Why change a good thing? Violet was content to live with her family until she married—provided she found a boyfriend. She sighed at the thought.

Her phone buzzed. Noah had replied:

"Seriously though Vi, you're more likable than you think. Guys have always been tripping over themselves to get close to you."

That seemed exaggerated, but she'd dated extensively in college. Few relationships lasted beyond a few dates. Many came, but none stayed, hence her two-and-a-half-year single streak.

Why did everything keep circling back to her single status? She supposed that was her punishment for living with the corniest couple on Earth.

"But only for a moment. Nobody stays," she texted back.

The tone was lost in text. She'd meant it factually, but it looked bitter. Oops.

Noah would understand, right? He didn't know how bitter she was about never truly falling in love. Crushes weren't the same.

"That's what I'm here for," he replied.

Violet smiled. True. No matter what, she had him. Even when her brothers drifted, Noah remained.

"One of the many reasons you're my favorite person," she texted with a smiling emoji.

She added, "I'm about to pass out though so this butterfly wishes you adieu. Good luck with the last day of the competition! Be sure to tell me how it goes."

Putting her phone on airplane mode, Violet turned off the light and went to sleep. She wished Noah were back already. His absence felt strange.

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