Run, Girl (If You Can)-Chapter 519: Awfully Domestic Of Him
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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Keeley was unsure what to make of Violet's news about Gray's mysterious lady friend. She put it aside, returning to her research after lunch, but the matter resurfaced on her drive home.

Aaron beat her home that day. She snuck up on him, placing her hands over his eyes. He chuckled.

"Keeley, it's you. That trick won't work anymore; we're practically the only ones home."

She removed her hands and shrugged. "There's still Nate."

"Nate's always at school at this time," he pointed out. "So, how was work?"

A troubled look crossed her face. "Violet told me something disturbing at lunch."

Keeley recounted Violet's story about Gray, striving for accuracy. Her main concern was that the supposed fiancée might be a bad influence on an already dangerous man.

Aaron seemed more thoughtful than worried, surprising Keeley. He was usually the most suspicious of his half-brother. Why the lack of concern?

"She said his voice was different?" Aaron asked curiously. "And he was shopping for a fish tank?"

"That's what concerns you?"

He remained unfazed. "That sounds awfully domestic. Gray's been talking about falling in love lately. It's incredibly fast, but I think he's serious if he's not using his usual smooth talk."

Falling in love?! That longtime playboy? Keeley couldn't believe it. Men like him didn't settle down.

"Since when does he care about that?" she asked incredulously.

A half-smile touched her husband's lips. "I think it might be your fault. He's seen how happy we are and wants the same. It's just a guess, but I've observed him with us. Occasionally, his façade slips, and I swear he looks jealous."

She hadn't noticed. Could it be that simple? He was so complicated; she never would have guessed his desires were soordinary.

Keeley had first suspected Gray's interest in family ties due to his past obsession with Aaron. But she never imagined it extending to wanting a wife and children. He had seemed perfectly content with his brotherly relationship.

If Aaron was right, Gray might be desperate for love and feel his age was pressing. It would explain settling for the first woman who came along, despite his past pickiness.

What it didn't explain was what kind of woman would marry someone as dangerous and insincere as him. Though Violet did say his voice was differentwas he being more genuine with his fiancée? Even so, she couldn't know the truth about his prison past.

Keeley couldn't imagine any woman accepting a murderer. She herself would always fear being hurt if he got angry.

Yet, Gray didn't seem to get angry. His darkness was quiet, not fiery. That might be even more frightening; there'd be no warning when, or if, he struck.

This woman was probably a gold digger. Unpleasant as it was, many New York City women would latch onto a rich, available bachelor, regardless of his character.

Keeley felt sorry for Gray, yet again. Nothing in his life was real, not even himself. The latter was self-inflicted, but still a sad way to live.

"But who would love him?" Keeley blurted.

It was rude, but Aaron had said worse about his brother. He'd always disliked Gray's fakeness. Keeley wondered if a more genuine relationship with Aaron would have made a difference.

Probably not. He was a former enemy, repeatedly proving his dangerous nature. Aaron disliked people in general, but most disliked those he couldn't trust.

Aaron surprised her by laughing. "I doubt it's love. He's been lonely and desperate, but nobody falls in love that fast. Gray's always been shrewd; he probably weighed his options and chose the least objectionable candidate."

He had a point, but it made Keeley feel even sorrier for Gray. If he truly wanted love, as Aaron suggested, he couldn't find it so quickly.

Gray's uncharacteristic behavior likely stemmed from post-prison loneliness. People often become more sentimental at his age. This was possibly his midlife crisis.

A thought struck her. "Hey, Aaron, he probably expects you to call him. He knows our family's close, and Violet likely told you what she saw."

A dark expression crossed his face. "You're right. He'd expect that. I should call him now and get it over with."

Aaron made the call; a female voice answered on the third ring. He and Keeley exchanged a look. This had to be the fiancée. If they were picking out fish tanks, they likely lived together. But wouldn't a man like Gray guard his phone more carefully? He had many dark secrets; why would he risk someone accessing his phone?

More importantly, wasn't it rude to answer someone else's phone? Why would she do that?

(Please note: I removed the unauthorized advertisement.)

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