This was weird. Really weird. After Gray’s bitter words about his inability to find a partner despite wanting to settle down, Aaron fully expected this woman to be a gold digger. People didn't get engaged after less than a week of dating.
Even though Gray was a phony, he wasn’t a good enough actor to convincingly feign jealousy and desperation. His acting made him seem more pleasant than he actually was. That day in the restaurant had been one of the rare moments when his true feelings slipped out.
Aaron figured the whole thing was a farce—that Gray, desperate for a relationship, had settled for the first person who came along. It wouldn't be the first time someone paid for the kind of relationship they desired.
But Mandy Applegate didn't give off the aura of a kept woman. She had transformed the formerly barren space into a family home. Pictures of the two of them adorned the walls.
It made no sense how so many pictures could have been taken in such a short time, especially the one in front of the Sydney Opera House. Gray would have had to leave the day after dinner with Aaron, spending only a day or two there— hardly worth the day-long flight.
It was feasible, though unlikely. Why would his brother randomly go to Australia? Had he met Mandy there? She didn't have an Australian accent.
Thinking too hard about it gave Aaron a headache, so he stopped and focused on the others. The group gathered at the table as Mandy moved the food to the center.
That was another oddity. She was fully engaged in hostess mode, smiling frequently and naturally. She was perfectly at ease around Gray, as if they'd known each other forever. Gray wasn’t exactly trustworthy, so how had he inspired that level of trust in a week?
Aaron couldn't focus. Seeing Mandy smile so freely at a man without a genuine bone in his body was oddly irritating.
Did she know what she was getting into? Was she suicidal, messing with a man who could kill her without remorse? Or was she a victim of Gray’s lies?
Aaron barely tasted his food, trying to decide if Mandy was incredibly brave or incredibly stupid. He concluded there were three possibilities: a naive woman swept away by love at first sight; a cunning con artist pretending to love Gray for his money; or someone as twisted as Gray, his partner in crime. He wasn't sure which, or which would be worse.
"This prime rib is fantastic, Mandy," Keeley complimented. "Where did you learn to cook?"
"Oh, I picked it up here and there," she replied airily.
Gray smiled more genuinely than Aaron had ever seen. "Isn't she wonderful?"
He didn't disguise his admiration. Had the infamous playboy Graydon Meyer actually fallen in love so quickly? That would explain his haste…if he cared about someone, he wouldn't let them get away.
But that still didn't explain Mandy. Love-struck lamb, con artist, or evil genius?
The first option was bad for Mandy, the second for Gray, and the third for his family. Keeley’s worry about Mandy being a bad influence wasn't unfounded.
"When did you two meet?" Aaron asked. None of this made sense.
Mandy batted her eyelashes at Gray. "Sometimes it seems like forever, sometimes it feels like only a few days, doesn't it?"
Gray nodded, and Aaron's frustration grew. That wasn't a real answer. He suspected Mandy was toying with him, placing her firmly in category three—the most dangerous.
The conversation turned to Mandy's career, interests, and family. She wasn't currently working but loved trying new things and had a grown daughter living nearby. Not much information.
Lack of employment pointed towards category two, but Aaron conceded Gray seemed invested enough to support her regardless. The more she said, the less he knew.
Aaron hadn't expected to care about Gray's life, but this situation challenged his beliefs. If Gray was happy with this strange woman, good for him, but if she had sinister motives…
He watched Mandy throughout dinner and dessert, barely participating in the conversation. He was rattled. It had been a long time since anyone other than Gray had rattled him. Perhaps he and Mandy were a match made in heaven.
As the Hales prepared to leave, Keeley offered to help with wedding preparations. Aaron hadn't realized that's what they were discussing.
"Thank you," Mandy said graciously. "I'd hate to bother Britt with this, she has a toddler. We want to keep things small, since neither of us have much family."
"I understand; our wedding was only about ten people. Call me if you need help. Gray has my number."
Gray's arm was around Mandy's waist as they said goodbye. He looked happier and more content than Aaron had ever seen him. The usual greed in his eyes was gone.
Maybe Mandy would be good for him. Aaron leaned toward option one as the elevator doors closed. That is, until he heard hysterical laughter from behind the doors.
Laughter? Gray didn't laugh.
"They were messing with us!" he cried.
Keeley chuckled. "Actually, honey, I think they were messing with you."
Aaron scowled. Mandy Applegate was definitely category three. He only hoped she wouldn't seek revenge on the Hales. Gray had been a frightening opponent; who knew what horrors they could face with a cunning woman whispering in his ear?
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