"Lacy. What do you want?" Aaron said flatly to the newcomer.
"I'm not allowed to say hi now?" the woman purred, trying to sidle up to him.
Aaron instantly backed away, nearly knocking Jennica over. "No, you're not. Pay attention to your date and leave Kimberly and me alone."
"Kimberly?" she asked sourly, turning to Jennica. "How long have you known Aaron?"
"Not long," Jennica said coyly. She sensed her employer for the night wanted this woman put in her place, and she was happy to oblige; she genuinely felt for him.
"We just hit it off one day, didn't we, Aar-Bear?"
Revulsion briefly flickered across his face at the awful nickname before he resumed his poker face and spoke stiffly. "Yes, we did. She islovely company."
Jennica was sorely tempted to laugh at how uncomfortable the usually unflappable Aaron Hale was, but she maintained the charade. Wrapping her arm around his waist, she batted her eyelashes at him bewitchingly.
"Didn't you say you were going to get me a drink?"
"I'll go do that."
Jennica wouldn't call it "scurrying," but that's how it felt. He must truly loathe this woman.
"Lacy, was it?" she asked sweetly, sizing her up unsubtly. "Don't you think you're a bit brazen pursuing someone else's man?"
Lacy's composure cracked, revealing an ugly look for a moment before she smiled again.
"Last I checked, Aaron was single. That makes him fair game."
"You think of him as a game? Poor dear, he deserves better than a schemer like you," Jennica clucked sympathetically, further inciting Lacy's rage.
"You're a no-name actress! You could never be Mrs. Hale," the woman fumed, her hands clenched into fists.
So she was after the title of Mrs. Hale. Interesting. For the first time, Jennica was grateful she wasn't rich and didn't have to deal with this drama regularly. It seemed exhausting.
For now, though, she was enjoying taking this spoiled brat down a peg.
"Who said anything about wanting to be Mrs. Hale? I'm here because Aaron wanted me to be; nothing more, nothing less. Too bad he doesn't seem to want you within a hundred feet of him."
Lacy looked like she was about to explode by the time Aaron returned with two drinks. Jennica accepted hers with an innocent smile, taking a sip and raising her eyebrows in challenge, daring Lacy to tattle.
Predictably, Lacy said nothing. She probably knew Aaron wouldn't take her side. She stomped away in a huff. Sayonara, sucker.
"What exactly did you say to her?" he asked coolly.
"Nothing you wouldn't have said yourself, I wager," Jennica said smugly. "You're welcome."
His forehead creased briefly. "You're lucky I used a fake name to introduce you."
A shiver ran down her spine—she wasn't sure why. Was he referring to the spoiled heiress? She seemed like a pushover to Jennica.
Before she could ask, an older couple approached and began talking to Aaron. Jennica plastered on her most professional smile. Here we go again.
"Cash or check?" Aaron asked boredly once they were back in the car.
Jennica was exhausted—who knew smiling could hurt so much? She'd used up her smile quota for the month. Everyone she'd met was either fake or stuffy. She couldn't imagine living like that.
"Check, please. I'd be nervous about getting mugged carrying that much cash."
He didn't react to her joke. Did he even have a sense of humor? She'd never met anyone so stiff.
He only broke his blank, slightly disdainful expression when talking about the woman he loved or Lacy. He seemed softer and sadder about his love, and even more forbidding when Lacy was involved. Love and hate were powerful emotions.
"That woman you care aboutdoes she know she's in danger with you?" Jennica asked.
His cold, empty eyes seemed to pierce her.
"She's not in danger with me," he said firmly. "I won't let anyone touch her."
She didn't believe him. Any real girlfriend of Aaron's would be overwhelmed.
"AaronI don't mean to pry, but if the woman you love is anything like me—normal—there's no way she'd survive in your world."
"I know."
Jennica hadn't expected that. She felt unexpectedly protective of this unknown girl after her own brief ordeal.
"If you know, then why—"
"I would abandon that world for her. Once I achieve my goals, there will be no need to socialize with the rabble. I don't care about high society; my parents do. Those people annoy me. Once I control the company, I'll only need to attend business meetings. Everything else can be delegated."
Her eyes widened. He must be serious about this girl.
"Youwould leave high society completely?"
Aaron stared out the window.
"I should have done it years agoI didn't realize she wasn't—wouldn't be—happy with those people. I've had time to think. I want to give her the normal life she craves."
She was moved. He must love this woman deeply to compromise so much. Who could inspire such devotion from one of the city's most powerful men?
"In that case, she's very lucky to have you."
Aaron turned, raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. When they reached her building, the driver opened her door. She said goodbye, thinking it was the last she'd see of him. The advertisement for NovelFire.net has been removed as requested.