Chapter 449: Incisive Q&A Translator: Tim Editor: GlobeGlotter
Qian Fanghan disregarded Niu Zhengman’s uncertain expression, saying, “As for the second thing, I will address it after the first. I’m pleased that upon arriving in He Feng, Li Chunsheng secured Luo Yue’s investment for Xi Tong. Everyone knows Luo Yue’s influence; this highlights Mayor Li’s ambition and capability.”
Everyone was shocked, including Li Chunsheng. Was Qian Fanghan helping him? If Luo Yue were thriving, this would be commendable, but given their recent scandal, why offer support?
Niu Zhengman coughed, needing to interject before Qian Fanghan continued. “I also welcomed Mayor Li bringing in Luo Yue Corporation, but I’m concerned. Their meteoric rise is suspicious.
I intended to fully investigate them before their involvement, but Mayor Li acted without precaution—a serious lapse for a government official. Were Luo Yue reputable, it would be fine, but their beauty pill has caused problems in He Feng: six deaths and four cases of facial disfigurement, two cases here.
This is heartbreaking. These unscrupulous merchants are a plague on our country, yet our officials welcome them. My heart aches for the victims. You were placed here to ensure peace and harmony, not to harbor these pests. Though only a mayor, I won’t allow this.”
Niu Zhengman sat down, satisfied. He’d wait for others to speak, then shift blame onto Li Chunsheng. He'd arranged for affected families to protest; Li Chunsheng would have no recourse but to leave He Feng.
Applause erupted; even Qian Fanghan clapped.
“Mayor Niu, well said! We won’t allow these pests into He Feng! We’re public servants; selling out the people for profit makes us no better than animals!” Hui Chang declared righteously.
Several members voiced support, but Niu Zhengman’s confidence waned; only five of ten sided with him. This was unusual; he usually secured more than eight votes.
Qian Fanghan smiled. “Mayor Niu is right; an official who doesn’t serve the people should go home and live like the rat he is. Mayor Li, your response?”
Li Chunsheng smiled, certain Qian Fanghan wasn’t merely a puppet. Inaction would provoke intervention sooner or later.
Li Chunsheng stood. “Before I respond, I’ll play a short recording.” …
Although Xiao Lei’s initial purpose was dinner and recreation with Ye Mo, this news presented a significant opportunity for her channel.
Dinner was postponed; deploying her channel was the priority. She trusted Ye Mo; if he said Mayor Li would agree to an interview, he would.
Ye Mo lacked time for dinner; he needed to check on the Yuan family. While his work was done, their sudden flight would hinder his investigation. …
In Gui Lin, the press conference began promptly at 11 a.m. Despite short notice, hundreds of journalists attended, many from Beijing.
“Given Luo Yue’s influence, everyone knows yesterday’s events. While we won't boast of nobility, our contributions are clear. But some are jealous, resorting to various means to harm our corporation,” Yu Miaodan stated calmly.
A reporter asked, “CEO Yu, are you saying the beauty pill scandal was a frame-up?”
Yu Miaodan smiled confidently, “Indeed.”
This domineering reply surprised everyone. The journalist, flustered, missed his next question: Who was behind this?
A busty reporter in her thirties stood. “CEO Yu, your product caused six deaths and four facial disfigurements; the numbers are rising. Are you shifting blame?”
Yu Miaodan glared. “Our ability to produce the beauty pill allows us to handle anything. We don't blame others. Your skin is flawless; natural or our pill? If the latter, why aren't you dead or disfigured?”
Her incisive reply prompted laughter.
The reporter’s face reddened. “CEO Yu, widespread side effects would create chaos. Symptoms might be delayed; even cancer has a latency period. You’re avoiding the question of blame. Who’s framing your company?”
Yu Miaodan asked, “Are you suggesting our medicine is faulty?” Then, with a peculiar expression, “When did you learn of this? Which channel?”
“We journalists must be vigilant. Luo Yue was exposed yesterday. I'm He Feng Night News reporter Lu Cuiyang. I fear no retribution,” her tone agitated, as if fearing Luo Yue’s vengeance.
Yu Miaodan smiled sardonically. “Journalist Lu Cuiyang, knowing yesterday that our pill was problematic, why did you take one this morning?”
“You—nonsense, I didn’t—” Lu Cuiyang’s face flushed.
Yu Miaodan stated coldly, “As CEO, I know my product. After taking the pill, a faint redness appears around the neck within six hours; it enhances a woman’s attractiveness. It’s evident on you; less than four hours have passed. We can test it now.”
All eyes turned to Lu Cuiyang. Her face crimson, she remained speechless.