I was stunned, more upset than shocked. I never wanted our friendship to end like this. I would have preferred he tell me he liked someone else—anyone but me.
His desperate eyes were fixed on me. I could hear his heart racing as he waited for my answer.
How could I reject him to his face? I didn't want to break his heart.
"From when?" I asked, trying to compose myself.
He lowered his head. "From the day I met you, the day Jason brought you to the pack house."
I looked away, remembering that day. He'd been kind, every gesture gentle. I'd assumed it was because I was his best friend's sister.
With a heavy heart, I began to say I'd never seen him that way, but he interrupted.
"Natalia, I know you're a single mother, that your children are your life. But you also have your own life, where you're truly alone. You need someone—"
I frowned. "Protect me from what? You know I'm—"
"An alpha. I know. But what about your emotional and mental support?"
"Love isn't based on need, Eric," I mumbled, past memories surfacing. "It's something we feel, even if they're unaware, even if they reject us."
Images of chasing my ex-husband's attention flooded my mind. I'd waited weeks for his return, loved him with all my heart and soul, only to be heartbroken by his unacknowledged love.
I felt a hand on mine, his thumb caressing my hand.
Eric looked at me sadly. "My love isn't weak, Natalia. I've loved you for years. I want to be with you, to make you happy. You're my family. You don't have to worry about—"
I understood. He was outlining the advantages of being with him.
I sighed and tried to pull away, but he held my hand tightly. "Natalia, I love your children like my own. I'll give them my name. You won't have to hide them anymore; you can proudly say they have a father."
His words mesmerized me. He was thoughtful, and he clearly loved my children.
But I couldn't destroy his life. I didn't have those feelings for him. Connecting our lives would only waste his life; he wouldn't find what he sought in a partner.
I looked at our joined hands. "Eric," I began.
He shook his head. "I know you don't want to take a risk. I'll make sure your second marriage won't fail."
His mention of marriage stunned me.
"Eric, calm down, look at me."
He met my gaze. I gestured for him to breathe deeply. "I didn't know you felt this way. But you need to understand my perspective. You're not only my brother's best friend, but mine too. You're family; my family is incomplete without you. I also know—"
I paused, unable to maintain eye contact.
"I don't have those feelings for you. I've always seen you as a close friend. I won't call you 'brother' to spare your feelings, but you're important to me."
I took a breath and looked at him. He loosened his grip, but I didn't let go. "This one-sided love will only hurt you, just as it hurt me years ago. I don't want to hurt you. You're a good person, and I want you to find your mate and be happy. I'm sorry, Eric. I don't want to give you false hope. I don't love you."
Eric stepped back, his hand slowly withdrawing. I saw his heartbroken expression. I felt bad, but this should have happened long ago. I didn't want him to compromise his life for someone who only saw him as a friend. It would be a marriage built on compromise.
"Eric," I whispered.
He raised a hand to stop me, turning away to compose himself.
I went to him and took his hand. "I'm so sorry, Eric."
He shook his head. "No, it's not your fault. You can't help it," he muttered, walking past me toward the door.
"Give me some time. I'll be fine," he replied, reaching the doorknob.
He froze, his sudden pause perplexing me. His eyes widened, clouded with worry.
I realized someone was communicating with him through a mind link and rushed to him, grabbing his hand. "What happened?"
His shocked expression was all I saw before he rushed out, saying, "Jason's not well."