Chapter 71
I hoped Freya would open the door; the brewing anxiety in my stomach needed to end. Instead, Carlos opened it, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh, you’re back,” he remarked, the disappointment in his tone unmistakable. “Should I prepare breakfast?”
Walking in, I nodded absentmindedly, searching for Freya. “Where’s Freya?” I asked, moving further into the hall. It was ten in the morning, and Freya never slept this late.
“Haven’t seen her since morning,” Carlos replied casually. His words spun me around. “What?” He hadn’t seen her since morning? What the hell did that mean? Had she left?
As if sensing my apprehension, he said, “Maybe she left.” His grunt intensified the horrifying feeling in my stomach. I rushed to our bedroom. The room was empty; the bed was made, as if no one had slept in it. Or perhaps someone had slept there and made the bed, but my mind conjured only the worst. I checked the guest room, where she’d initially slept. Empty.
Maybe she was with Gia. She sometimes slept with Gia if Gia couldn't sleep.
I gently opened Gia's door. Freya wasn't there, but Gia slept soundly. While disappointing, it was also reassuring; Freya wouldn't leave Gia behind. I quietly closed the door.
“Freya?” No answer. Panic surged. I needed to see her to know she hadn't left. I'd checked everywhere except the terrace. There she was.
A sigh of relief escaped me. She hadn't left.
She was half-sitting, half-lying in the lounge, her head resting awkwardly, as if she'd fallen asleep. I approached quietly and observed her peaceful face. I gently grazed her cheek; the lightest touch roused her. She opened her eyes, confused at first, then recognition dawned.
“Aiden,” she said, sitting up. “You’re home.” Her eyes scanned me, searching for injuries. “And you’re fine.” She almost whispered the last part, a reassurance to herself. Had she been worried? I should have called to tell her I was spending the night with Cillian.
“Why are you here?” I asked, wondering why she was on the terrace. After a moment, she admitted, “I was worried about you. I couldn’t sleep last night.”
A barrier hung between us, preventing me from holding her. Freya awkwardly looked away. “How’s Cillian?”
“He’s fine, I think. We talked last night. I told him about my childhood, everything. He had a hard time processing the new image of our mother I’d given him. I saw the devastation, the despair. That’s why I hadn’t told him before. But after last night, I wasn’t sure hiding the truth was best. He felt betrayed. Besides, if I were in Gillian’s position, I’d want to know.”
Chapter 71 (Continued)
“Okay, good,” Freya nodded, offering a tight-lipped smile. I started to apologize, but she spoke first.
“I’ll see if breakfast is ready.” She walked past me; it was an excuse, we both knew it. Carlos always handled breakfast.
She stopped and turned, seeming thoughtful before meeting my gaze. “Gia was asking for you last night. Could you see her before you leave for the office?”
My heart sank. Gia. I read her bedtime stories; it was our ritual. Of course, my baby girl missed me.
“Yeah, I will.”
She turned again. I had to stop her. Just as she was about to leave, I said, “I didn’t see your calls.” She turned back.
“My phone died,” I explained. I’d been a jackass yesterday. I’d told her to go away, and I was grateful she hadn’t. I didn’t want her to think I’d turned my phone off deliberately.
She was quiet for a moment before nodding. “Okay.” No further questions. Just “okay.” As she disappeared inside, I knew I’d messed up. She’d retreated, and a vast space separated us—a space that threatened to suffocate me.