At twenty-two, Evelyn knew exactly what she wanted: to marry the love of her life immediately after graduation and start a family. She'd harbored this dream since fifteen. Feeling incredibly lucky to see it come true, she was trying on her wedding dress a week after graduation, a final fitting before tomorrow's ceremony.
Michael, her fiancé, was the love of her life. They'd met three years prior, and it had been love at first sight. In less than twenty-four hours, they would be married. Ecstatic barely described her feelings.
"You're going to make the most beautiful bride ever, Eve," her stepsister, Sandra, cooed, interrupting her thoughts.
"I already feel like the most beautiful bride, Sandy. This feels like a fairytale—my happily ever after," Evelyn replied with a wide smile. She beamed at the designer as the final touches were added to her dress. "This is perfect. So perfect."
"Mike won't be able to tear his eyes away from you," Sandra said, admiring Evelyn.
Evelyn grinned, twirling. "Thanks, Sandy. What would I do without you?" she asked, stopping to face her.
Evelyn's mother had died giving birth to her, leaving her father to raise her alone. When Evelyn was five, he married Sandra's mother, a single parent. Sandra, four at the time, and Evelyn became close friends.
"Let's hope you never find out," Sandra grinned, checking her watch. "Shoot! I need to check on the flowers. Will you be okay?"
"I'm not a kid. Of course," Evelyn assured her.
"Alright. Get some rest. Tonight's your last night as a bachelorette—we're partying!" Sandra sang, and Evelyn giggled as she left.
Thirty minutes later, after the designer departed, Evelyn lay on her bed, thinking of Michael and their wedding. Missing him, she decided to visit him before Sandra returned. After grabbing her keys, she called him to confirm he was home. He answered on the fourth ring.
"Hey, soon-to-be-wife," he greeted softly, making her blush.
"Hello, soon-to-be-husband," she replied happily.
"Missing me?" he asked.
"Yeah. What are you up to? Is Rex with you?" she asked, referring to his best man.
"No. I'm home, setting up for my wife to move in," he said.
"What about you?"
"Me? Just lying down, thinking about you," she lied.
"Alright. I can't wait to see you in your dress tomorrow. I love you so much," he said.
"I love you so much more. I'll let you get back to…"
"I'll finish up and call you back, okay?"
"Alright, baby," she said, ending the call and starting her car.
She couldn't wait to surprise him. Twenty minutes later, she arrived at his apartment building. Wanting to surprise him, she used his passcode to enter.
The smile on her face vanished as she saw white stilettos by the door. Did he have company? She removed her own shoes and went inside. She paused, seeing feminine clothing—a short white dress and red blazer—on the couch. She recognized them as Sandra's; the stilettos were the limited-edition pair she'd given Sandra for her birthday.
Why was Sandra here, and why hadn't Michael mentioned her? Her heart pounded as she approached the bedroom. Part of her wanted to believe Sandra was discussing flower arrangements, perhaps having spilled tea on her dress. But as she neared, that explanation crumbled.
Sandra's laughter drifted from the half-opened door. "You needed to hear her earlier," Sandra said, mimicking Evelyn's earlier words. Michael chuckled. "She's so childish and silly. I only stand her because of her inheritance." Evelyn's perfect world shattered.