Sandra drove home, cursing herself for her reckless actions the previous night. It was unlike her to act so rashly. Now she had to face Michael, still suspicious, and deal with Evelyn. She wished she knew Evelyn's plans. Something about Evelyn's response had made her anxious. Although Michael had promised to handle Derek and his parents, she remained worried.
As Sandra entered the house, she paused. The murmur of voices drifted from the dining room. She had avoided her parents since the incident with Evelyn, and they hadn't contacted her.
Her brows furrowed at the sound of Evelyn's voice. Unwilling to believe Evelyn was there, she hurried to the dining room, where she saw her parents and Evelyn seated together. Her heart tightened as Evelyn seemed effortlessly at ease, smiling at her mother and chatting with her father as if the past six years had never happened. Hatred churned within her at Evelyn's apparent comfort and belonging.
"You're home," Eric said, noticing her.
Sandra looked at him, hurt and angry that he had so readily accepted Evelyn, despite her efforts to be a good daughter. Feeling a surge of jealousy and frustration, she forced a smile and approached the table.
"Yeah. Seems like my presence wasn't missed."
"Don't say that, Sandy," Evelyn chided cheerfully. After her earlier call with Sandra, Evelyn had decided to visit her parents instead, believing it wiser for them to hear her side of the story first. Claire looked up, curious. "You didn't say you were sleeping out last night. Where were you?"
A lump formed in Sandra's throat. She felt Evelyn had already told them everything, and her mother was waiting for a confession. Her eyes darted nervously to Evelyn, who sipped her tea with a contented smile.
"What has Evelyn told you?" Sandra asked.
Claire raised an eyebrow and put down her fork. "Are you okay? Why are you asking about Evelyn when I asked you a question? Where did you spend the night?"
Panic surged, and tears welled up. "No, I'm not okay," Sandra cried, sobbing and startling everyone. Evelyn rolled her eyes. "What's wrong, darling?" she asked calmly.
"Don't 'darling' me, you witch!" Sandra yelled. Their parents exchanged a look.
"Don't talk to your sister like that" Eric began.
"Sister? Evelyn is no sister of mine. She's a witch! I went to meet Evelyn last night to resolve things, but but she drugged me! She drugged me and tried to blackmail me!"
Claire and Eric turned to Evelyn, shocked and confused. Evelyn hadn't fully explained before Sandra's arrival. Evelyn, however, continued sipping her tea, her smile widening slightly. She set down her cup and looked at Sandra, feigning surprise.
"I don't know what you're talking about, but I find it hilarious that you're trying to twist this on me. Stop this before you dig yourself into a deeper hole," Evelyn said. "What are you talking about, Sandra?" Claire asked, concern in her voice.
"What is she talking about?" Claire asked Evelyn.
Evelyn shrugged innocently. "I have no idea."
Sandra clenched her fists, her voice rising as she pointed at Evelyn. "Don't lie! We met last night, right? You drugged me and booked that hotel suite! You dragged me there after I passed out!" Evelyn blinked. "Why would I deny that we met? Yes, we met last night. Rayna asked that we hang out last night. I got there expecting to spend time with Ray, but Sandra showed up, and then I realized she was the one who wanted to meet me. But everything else she is accusing me of is absurd," Evelyn said calmly. Sandra's heart pounded. "Don't you dare pretend you didn't drug me! I have evidence!"
Evelyn leaned back, her tone calm but amused. "So you said. Well, I have evidence too, and it proves you're lying."
Their parents looked confused. Eric spoke firmly, "Enough. If you both have evidence, let's see it."
"The suite! Michael and I woke up there this morning. Evelyn paid for it! The receptionist said she brought me there. She set us up and took pictures to blackmail me!"
Eric's expression darkened. "What was Michael doing in the suite with you?"
Sandra swallowed hard. "It was a setup! Evelyn called Michael, pretending she wanted to talk because she knew he was still in love with her." Evelyn laughed. "Oh, Sandra, that's funny. Michael, in love with me? Remind me, who called for our meeting last night? Wasn't it you?"
Sandra's face flushed. "I did, but that doesn't—"
Evelyn cut her off sharply. "Exactly. And do you really think I'd set something up and be foolish enough to pay for the suite in my own name? That doesn't make sense."
Sandra's frustration mounted. "You're denying it, but it won't work!"
Eric leaned forward. "Really? If Evelyn is lying, then how did you know she took pictures of you and Michael if you were both unconscious?"
Sandra stammered, unable to mention a hidden camera. "I just have a feeling she did it! We woke up there together. Why else would she put us there?"
"So, let me get this straight. You asked Rayna to invite me over, and somehow I knew you'd be there, so I came with a sedative and also invited Michael over and booked a suite before you showed up, so I could drug you both and set you up? Does it add up? Does this rubbish tale you're spinning make sense to you? I feel insulted that you assume everyone is as mentally slow and retarded as you," Evelyn said, and Sandra glared at her, but inwardly Sandra admitted to herself that her story didn't make sense. Eric folded his arms and turned to Evelyn. "If what Sandra is saying isn't true, show us your proof." Evelyn's eyes gleamed as she slowly took out her phone.
Sandra's heart skipped a beat.
"I have a little video," Evelyn said casually. "Last night, Sandra claimed she wanted us to make up. Then she asked Rayna to excuse us, and we talked. After I agreed to forgive her, she embraced me. Never would I have imagined that this snake here was putting something into my drink"
"Lies! All lies! You're a pathetic liar," Sandra interrupted.
"As I said, I have video to back up my story. Thankfully, someone at the club signaled me from the balcony and told me they saw something interesting. Sandra, care to guess what it was?"
Sandra's blood ran cold. "You're lying. You're making this up."
"Am I?" Evelyn raised an eyebrow. "You see, the person sent me a video of you trying to put something in my drink. That's why I switched the drinks when you weren't looking. That's why I excused you and Rayna, claiming I wanted to use the restroom. I went to meet the person," Evelyn said since she didn't want Sandra to suspect Rayna of being on her side.
Sandra's eyes widened. "No! That's not true! You're accusing me falsely!"
"Relax, Sandra," Evelyn said icily. "I have the video. Do you want to see it, or should I show it to Mom and Dad?"
Their parents exchanged worried glances. Claire's voice trembled as she asked, "Show us the video, Evelyn."
Sandra's heart pounded as Evelyn played the video. It clearly showed Sandra slipping something into Evelyn's drink. Claire gasped, and Eric's face hardened.
Evelyn smiled sweetly. "There you have it. I didn't drug her. I just switched the drinks, and when she passed out, I left," Evelyn lied for Sandra's benefit since she planned to tell her parents the truth later.
Claire's eyes filled with tears. "Sandra, what did you put in Evelyn's drink?"
Sandra's mind raced. "I I don't know that person in the video. Evelyn set this up. She's manipulating everything!"
"You don't know the person in the video? Take a look again, Sandy. You're still wearing the same dress from last night," Evelyn said with a smirk. "You're lying. Why are you doing this to me?" Sandra cried.
Their mother looked heartbroken, and Eric's expression was unreadable. "Sandra, you've been caught in a lie; quit your drama. It's embarrassing."
Sandra's frustration boiled over. "Why are you both taking Evelyn's side? Go to the hotel and confirm it yourselves! Evelyn booked the suite!"
Evelyn rolled her eyes, but her phone buzzed. She saw it was the realtor. "Sorry, I need to leave. I have business to attend to," she said to her parents.
Sandra stared in disbelief. "You want to run away because you've been caught!"
Evelyn stood, adjusting her coat. "Don't be a fool. Why would I run if I'm innocent? I'm giving you extra time to cook up a better story. We can continue this later. But I'm disappointed in you for this cock-and-bull story."
Evelyn left, leaving their parents staring at Sandra with disappointment.
"This is your second strike, Sandra. One more and you're out," Claire threatened.
Sandra stormed to her room, screaming into her pillow. Who had videoed her? How could this evidence exist? She couldn't let Michael find out she tried to drug Evelyn. She had to make this go away. Evelyn might have escaped this time, but Sandra swore she wouldn't let her get away with it again. She picked up her phone and called Michael.