Evelyn stood frozen in the parking lot, her legs trembling. Sandra's light, mocking words echoed in her head, but all Evelyn could hear was the cold, calculating voice from the night before—a voice suggesting they get rid of her. How was she supposed to act normal around someone who harbored such hatred? She glanced toward the building entrance, wanting only to flee, but her body refused to cooperate. Tears welled in her eyes, blurring her vision. A lump formed in her throat, and she whirled around, heading back to her car. She slid into the driver's seat, her hands shaking as she fumbled with the door. Once inside, she broke down. Hot tears streamed down her cheeks, and her chest heaved as she suppressed her sobs. Gripping the steering wheel, her knuckles turned white, her whole body trembling. How could Sandra despise her so much?
Hearing those words directly from Sandra hurt far more than the betrayal itself. She'd believed Sandra's actions stemmed from a love for Michael—that they were a greedy pair, reaping where they hadn't sown. But she hadn't imagined their entire relationship was a lie.
Her phone buzzed in her lap, but she ignored it, overwhelmed. After a few seconds, she wiped her face, blinking back tears, and picked up the phone. It was Rayna. Without thinking, she answered. "Hey, girl! Guess what I'm up to!" Rayna's cheerful voice filled her ear, but Evelyn couldn't respond.
Evelyn sniffed, trying to hold back tears, but failed. The moment Rayna heard the silence, her tone shifted. "Evelyn? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Evelyn let out a shaky breath, her voice cracking. "It's Sandra…"
"Sandra?" Rayna's voice sharpened with concern. "What happened? Did she say or do something?"
"She… she hates me, Rayna. I thought it was sibling rivalry, but it's worse." Evelyn could barely speak, her chest tightening.
"Okay. Calm down and tell me exactly what happened. Take a deep breath first," Rayna said, and Evelyn obeyed.
Rayna listened quietly as Evelyn recounted her morning exchange with Sandra, then frowned. "I'm missing something. Why did you ask her that this morning? Did something trigger your question?" Rayna asked, referring to Evelyn's question about Sandra's hatred. "She told Michael they should… kill me."
There was a stunned silence before Rayna's shocked voice returned. "What? Are you serious? She actually said that?"
"I heard it. I have a recording. She's planning to get rid of me. Can you believe it, Ray?"
Rayna gasped. "Evelyn, this is serious. Have you gone to the police?"
Evelyn wiped her face, shaking her head. "How can I? The recording's from bugging Michael's house. It's illegal evidence." Rayna was quiet, then her voice softened. "What did Derek say?"
"He promised to take care of it," Evelyn whispered. "But I'm scared, Rayna. Terrified. What if something happens to me? To Samantha? They know about her now. I don't know what they'll do if they find out she's Derek's." Rayna's voice was serious.
"Evelyn, it's normal to be worried. I'd be terrified, too. Sandra's always given me a competitive vibe, but I never thought it was this deep. She's clearly dangerous, and this isn't something you can ignore."
"I don't even feel safe driving anymore," Evelyn admitted, her voice barely audible. "What if she tampers with it? Cuts the brakes?"
Rayna nervously laughed, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, first, what car are we talking about?"
Evelyn paused, realizing she hadn't mentioned the car yesterday. "Derek bought me a new car. One for me and one for Samantha. We were checking them out when you called."
Rayna shrieked with excitement. "Girl! Why didn't you tell me sooner? We need to celebrate! Forget Sandra—this is huge!"
Despite everything, Evelyn smiled slightly. "I know, I just… it's hard to enjoy anything right now. I keep thinking about what Sandra might do. What if she tampers with the car? I barely slept last night. All I saw was Sandra with a knife."
Rayna's tone sobered. "Look, if you're really that worried, maybe leave the car at home and take a cab to work. But honestly, if Sandra's desperate enough to hurt you, she'll find a way, car or no car."
Evelyn sighed, exhausted. "I'm so tired, Rayna. I don't want any harm to come to me or Samantha. Maybe I should just… leave. Get out of town."
Rayna's voice was firm. "No. You're not running away. I reject every spirit of cowardice speaking through you right now, Evelyn."
Evelyn laughed, even through her tears. "I'm serious, Rayna. I'm scared."
"I know you are, and it's okay to be scared," Rayna said gently. "But you can't let fear control you. You need to trust Derek. He's already handling it, and you said they have eyes on Sandra and Michael. You're not alone. If you need my help, just let me know."
Before Evelyn could respond, her phone buzzed. She saw it was Derek and sighed. "Rayna, can I call you back? Derek's calling." "Really, bitch? You're going to hang up on me to talk to a man?" Rayna joked, and Evelyn laughed weakly.
"It might be important. I'll call you back. I promise."
Rayna chuckled. "Of course. Go talk to your man. Call me back later, okay?"
Evelyn smiled. "I will. Thanks."
As Rayna hung up, Evelyn answered Derek's call. "Hey," she said softly.
"Are you at the office?" Derek's voice was calm, but concerned. He'd seen her worry that morning and knew she hadn't slept well. "No… I'm still in my car."
There was a pause. "You okay? Finding it hard to face her?"
Evelyn hesitated. "I… I ran into her in the parking lot. She was acting friendly, and it… it shook me. I couldn't stop thinking about what she said last night. I confronted her."
"You told her about the recording?" Derek asked, alarmed.
"No, not that," Evelyn said, and then recounted the conversation. She broke down again.
Derek's voice hardened. "I told you not to worry about Sandra. I will handle her. I promise."
"What if she tampers with my car?" Evelyn asked, her anxiety returning. "What if she tries to…"
"I'm not taking any chances," Derek interrupted firmly. "I'm getting you a driver. He'll double as your bodyguard, and I'll do the same for Samantha. Neither of you is going anywhere alone from now on. Her phone's going to be bugged by the end of today. We'll find out everything she's planning."
Evelyn felt relieved. "Okay… that sounds like a good idea."
Derek's voice softened. "I love you. I don't want you to be scared. I'm going to protect you. You and Samantha—no one's going to hurt you."
Tears filled her eyes, but this time, not from fear. "I love you too," she whispered.
Derek paused. "Say that again," he said, and she frowned.
"What?" Evelyn asked, confused.
"Repeat what you just said," Derek said with a wide smile. "That I love you too?" Evelyn asked, and Derek chuckled. "Yes." "I love you, Derek. I love you so much," she said, and he grinned.
"Good. Finally, I don't have to say it without a response," Derek said, his tone lighter. "Now, go inside and get through the day. I'll check in with you later. And by the end of the day, I'll get the bodyguard," he promised.
Evelyn took a deep breath, wiping her face. "Alright. Thanks. Talk to you later."
As she hung up, a sense of calm settled over her. Sandra might be dangerous, but she wasn't alone. Derek and Rayna were looking out for her. With that thought, she fixed her makeup and stepped out of the car, ready to face the day.