Unable to focus on work, Derek left the office and asked his secretary to reschedule all his appointments. He headed home to meet with his parents. He knew they wouldn't be pleased if he begged for Evelyn's sake without proof of her innocence, but he had to try. Evelyn was innocent, and he wouldn't let her suffer.
Upon arriving, he greeted his mother in the living room and asked, "Where's Dad?"
"He's in his study. Is there a problem? Why are you here in the middle of the workday?" she asked curiously.
"I wanted to talk to you both about something," Derek replied. His mother nodded.
"Let's join him in his study, then," she said, leading the way and looking at him intently. "Did you know that the shameless girl from Empowered is the same girl your cousin was going to marry?"
Derek turned, surprised. "How did you know?"
"Michael told us last night. Poor Michael. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for him to watch you work with her, yet he kept quiet to avoid interfering with her career. Too bad for her that I'm not as merciful as Michael. I intend to teach her a lesson. She can't publicly embarrass our family twice and get away with it," his mother said as they entered the study.
Hearing this, Derek realized convincing his parents would be difficult. This was exactly what Michael wanted.
His father looked up as they entered. "Derek, what are you doing home during work hours? I hope it's not because you're still worried about us?"
"I came to talk to you both," Derek said, and his father gestured for him to sit.
"What is wrong?" his father asked.
"I heard from Empowered's CEO that you threatened to sue them unless they fired Evelyn," Derek said. His mother nodded.
"Of course. Losing her job won't fully compensate for the damage she's done to this family, but it's a start," she said firmly.
"I asked them not to fire her," Derek said. His parents exchanged a shocked glance.
"You did what!" his mother exclaimed.
"I asked them not to fire her. I understand how upset you are, and—"
"Understand? No, I'm not sure you do. If you did, you wouldn't ask them to defy our order. Is this a joke? Do you have any idea how devastating that article was?" His mother looked hurt and disappointed; his father stared with a stony expression. "Why did you ask them not to fire her?" his father asked quietly.
"I found out she didn't tell anyone about the article, and she didn't write it. I don't think she should lose her job over something someone else did," Derek said. His mother looked at him incredulously.
"Really? Does that mean you told someone else about it, too?" she asked. He shook his head.
"I didn't."
"Then someone overheard you both and published the news? Did that person confess?" his father asked. Derek shook his head.
"Do you have proof of her innocence?" his mother asked.
"No, but—"
"Then how do you know she isn't behind it? Don't tell me you're taking her word for it," his father said, impatient and annoyed.
Derek was tempted to mention the bug he found in his office, but he didn't want to reveal it yet. He didn't want Michael to know he was onto him.
"I can't prove it now, but give me time. Please don't let them fire her. Take my word for it; she doesn't deserve this," Derek pleaded. His mother looked at him suspiciously.
"Let's assume she didn't do this, but she still hurt your cousin and disgraced our family. She deserves to suffer," his mother insisted.
"She had her reasons for calling off the wedding, and shouldn't be punished for that," Derek said. His mother looked at him incredulously.
"What has come over you? How can you side with her over your family? Have you forgotten how devastated your cousin was? What stupid reason could she have had to be with another man the day before her wedding?" his mother asked angrily.
"Don't tell me you're doing this because you're interested in her," his father asked suspiciously.
"Are you?" his mother added, seeing his hesitation.
Derek nodded. "Yes, I am. I wouldn't have told her about it if I wasn't interested."
"How can you be in love with her after finding out who she is? That temptress! I bet she approached you on purpose. Maybe it was her plan all along. I'm sure she didn't tell you about her relationship with Michael. Or did she?" His mother asked. Derek sighed.
"Evelyn isn't that type of person, Mom. She didn't even know who I was."
"That's what she wants you to think! You're in love and have lost your senses, but as your mother, I won't let her do to you what she did to Michael. I won't let that evil girl near you," his mother said, picking up her phone.
"What are you doing, Mom?" Derek asked, seeing her determination.
"I'm calling Empowered and firing her immediately!"
"No, Mom! Please! Dad, talk to her. Evelyn isn't that type of person. Please, for my sake," Derek pleaded. His parents exchanged glances. Even though angry, they couldn't entirely refuse his plea.
"Why are you so certain she didn't release the news? Is it because you're in love with her and don't want to admit she betrayed you?" his father asked. Derek shook his head.
"No, Dad. It's far from it. You saw me yesterday; I didn't defend her when I thought she was guilty. But I have reasons to believe she's innocent. I'm not stupid enough to defend her if she betrayed me. I just need more time to prove it," Derek explained. His father nodded.
"Honey, we should listen to Derek. We've always trusted him; let's trust him on this," his father said. His mother sighed.
"We'll drop the case on one condition," Derek's mother said, seizing the opportunity.
"What condition?" Derek asked, anticipating he wouldn't like it.
"You must stay away from her and end all contact, as previously agreed. Now that we know she's Michael's ex, we won't let her near you."
"Can we compromise? I still want her to do the interview. She doesn't have to come to my office or hang around; we'll just do the interview," Derek pleaded. His mother considered this.
"Fine. One condition," she said.
"What's the condition?"
"You will date Sandra. I heard what that heartless girl did to Sandra at their family party last night, simply because she remained friends with Michael."
"Mom, I can't marry someone I don't know," Derek said, disliking the idea of marrying Sandra. He didn't like her, and suspected Michael was behind this. Seeing her altercation with Evelyn had confirmed his dislike.
"Then date her and get to know her. She's beautiful and sharp; you'll get along. That's my condition," Mrs. Stone said. Derek hesitated, then nodded. He needed to agree to help Evelyn.
"If that's what you want, I'll do it," he said, hoping to later prove Michael's involvement and change his mother's mind about Sandra.
"Good. I'll text you the date details," his mother said, smiling.