"Drop the holier-than-thou act," I said, my sarcasm sharp. "We're divorced. What I do is none of your business."
Yvonne's face darkened, but I didn't flinch. Once, I'd have jumped through hoops for her. But that got me betrayal. I had no patience for her games.
"Jonas, could you grab a change of clothes?" I asked, keeping my voice light.
"Got it, Daddy," Jonas replied, his cheeks flushed with excitement. Before he could move, Xavier appeared, holding the clothes.
"Are these yours?" he asked coolly, sounding more like a CEO than a child.
"Yeah," I replied, surprised. Even Yvonne looked shocked.
"Xavier, did you get those for him?"
"Yeah," Xavier said flatly, handing me the clothes. His politeness around Yvonne was a rare exception; with me, all bets were off.
"Xavier, that's so thoughtful!" Yvonne gushed, her warmth forced. She was playing the emotional card again.
"Thanks," I said, softening momentarily. He was still my kid, even if he was sharp-tongued. Then, the claws came out.
"You're such a mess. How did you forget your clothes? What a loser."
I blinked.
"Xavier!" Yvonne scolded, her composure cracking.
"Well, isn't he?" Xavier retorted, unfazed. His disrespect stung more than his words.
"Do you talk to Jared like this?"
This little brat owed me his life, yet showed me no respect.
Xavier looked guilty, his eyes darting nervously.
"None of your business."
"Yeah, that's more like it," I said, patting his head. "I'm the only one who can handle you."
I turned to Yvonne. "We need to talk about Xavier's behavior. His attitude needs to change, and fast."
"I have time tonight—"
"I'm not free," I cut her off, glancing at Lorraine. I wasn't going to leave her waiting. "I'll let you know when I'm available."
Yvonne didn't reply, but her bitten lip spoke volumes. She always played the victim, conveniently forgetting she cheated on me.
Jonas's small voice cut through the tension. "Daddy, can I stay with you tonight?"