12:57 Chapter 140 Chapter 140 Seeing it, Evelina feigned shock, “Maybe we should go back and change it.” “No changes needed. According to the agreement, she should be fired. And there’s no need for additional help since I’ve already finished the coding” The guy, reeking of arrogance, pulled out a thumb drive, looking down on Lemira, “Move aside, if you can’t hack it, don’t talk big.” After he sat down, he immediately started working. And he passed the test with flying colors. Looking smug, he taunted Lemira, “How about that? This is what real skill looks like!” Lemira snorted, “Stealing my code and then bragging about it as if it’s your own skill! Indeed, your talent for thievery and boasting is impressive.” What are you blabbering about?” Ethan became red–faced, a mix of anger and a touch of guilt, especially as he glanced at Evelina. Evelina calmly spoke, “The team lead has skills too. You can’t just accuse him of stealing just because your own code is not up to par.” The manager, growing impatient with Lemira, said, “You’re fired.” Td like to see who dares to fire her Lucian walked in, Hogan following behind him. Seeing Lucian, Evelina instantly tumed exasperated, wondering why he had to show up right then. The manager hastily spoke with reverence, ‘Mr. Langston, I had a reason for firing her. Her code was all wrong, and her attitude was appalling, not to mention she wasn’t cooperating with the company’s directives. We can’t keep an employee like that.” Lucian’s expression was icy, “She was never here to be an employee. She’s going to be your boss, your superior. What company directives does she need to follow?” As the words came out, the room went silent in shock. Evelina’s face fell. What did that mean? Was Lucian planning to hand over the branch to Lemira? The sleazy guy couldn’t help but speak up, “And why would she deserve that?” ‘Because she’s my sister. What, you have objections? “But isn’t your sister her?” Almost everyone looked at Evelina, thinking she was Ms. Langston. 7 Hogan scolded the manager, “I personally informed you that Ms. Langston would be visiting the branch. What did you do?” The manager tumed pale, “But she claimed to be Ms. Langston.” “Ms. Langston obviously means she’s a Langston. Are you dumb? How could you mix that up?” The manager suddenly felt the ground beneath him give way. Lucian, realizing the mistake, looked at Lemira with apprehension, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know they’d mistaken Evelina for you. You’ve been wronged.” Lemira’s eyes sparkled with mockery, she didn’t need these at all. Evelina, fighting back her anger, tried to explain, “It’s all a misunderstanding. I didn’t realize they got it wrong, it’s my fault for not making it clear. Lucian, blame me if you must.” The manager, puzzled, asked, “Does the Langston family have two daughters? Evelina, swallowing her pride, replied, “I’m just the Langstons‘ adopted daughter, Lemmy is the real one. I thought you all knew given her last name is Langston.” ‘Ms. Sterling, if you’re not Ms. Langston, why did you claim to be?” The manager was speechless; how could he have guessed? He’d heard about the Langston family having an adopted daughter, but who could have imagined both would report on the same day? And to think the adopted one would directly admit without clarifying, wasn’t that misleading? Evelina’s eyes got red instantly, “Lucian, I didn’t expect this misunderstanding either. After all, Alaric had mentioned he’d notified the company. Lemmy, she never clarified, how could I have known?” Lucian was visibly upset, “Then why didn’t you tell everyone that Lemmy is the real Langston heiress?”
I Rise 140
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