Chapter 154 “I kinda figured as much.” “Well, if you knew, there was no need for you to go down there.” His tone was domineering, almost like a command. A rebellious streak surged within Lemira, her lips pressed slightly, “I’ll be right back, don’t wait up.” After that, she closed the door behind her. Orion watched her leave, his gaze lingering on the door. He massaged his temples in frustration. Was she throwing a tantrum against him? He moved to the balcony for a better view of the building’s entrance. Sure enough, there stood Alaric, standing next to his car. Qtion rested his hand on the railing, his eyes fixed on the entrance. It wasn’t long before Lemira came into view, her figure small and her pace slow. After watching her for a moment, Orion turned back into the room. Lemira’s emotions were a whirlwind. Had she been too obvious? She couldn’t help but glance back at the apartment, only to find the balcony now empty. Feeling a pang of disappointment, she forced herself to look away. She couldn’t afford to dwell on Orion now. It wasn’t right. Adjusting her feelings, Lemira approached the complex’s entrance where Alaric was waiting, leaning against the car door. “What do you want to say?” She walked over, expressionless, “I don’t have all day.” Alaric gave Lemira a long look, reluctantly acknowledging the changes in her. His tone was stiff, “I admit, I wasn’t the best to you in the past. I didn’t consider your feelings in handling some things, and I made you feel aggrieved.” A hint of surprise crossed Lemira’s eyes, “It’s rare to see the day you’d apologize so sincerely. Are you done?” “I just want to know what you’re thinking. I thought our past disagreements were minor, not enough to affect anything else.” Lemira scoffed, “Alaric, if you think a few light apologies can erase everything that happened before and somehow morally obligate me, I advise you quit it.” “That’s not what I mean.” “I know what you mean. You think because you’ve apologized, I should put the team first and join the finals.” Her gaze was cold and distant, “But let me be clear. I won’t be participating in the finals.” Alaric panicked, “But you always cared about the team’s success. You supported me in starting this team, and now that we’ve made it to the national finals for the first time, you’re quitting?” He couldn’t believe Lemira would give up this opportunity. She used to care so much. Lemira’s eyes were filled with scorn, “Stop pretending. If Evelina wasn’t so terrible at gaming and if you had found a suitable gunner, you wouldn’t be here begging. Let’s be honest with each other, shall we?” Alaric’s lips were parted, “It’s not like that.” “You’re only interested in the benefit. You only care about the team’s success. As to others, you don’t care the least.” Lemira had long seen through Alaric. She hadn’t wanted to confront it before. But now, if they were speaking plainly, she wanted to set the record straight. Alaric nearly lost his balance, his voice tinged with hysteria, “I care about more than just winning. I care about you. A team without you isn’t what I envisioned at all!” He remembered his initial reason for forming the team was his sister, a detail he’d lost sight of over time. Now that Lemira was leaving, he realized it might be too late. “Lemmy, can’t you give the team another chance?” And give him another chance?
I Rise 154
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