Accidental Surrogate for Alpha-Chapter 169
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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Chapter 169 – Ella Hides


“Ella, why are we doing this?” Cora asked exasperatedly, her legs churning the steaming water of the palace baths.

“Because I’m avoiding Dominic, and water is the only way I know to hide my scent,” I answered primly, circling her. I was wearing a borrowed swimsuit; I’d even showered with Cora’s soap and worn her clothes—anything to disguise my scent.

I then persuaded Gabriel to show me some of the hidden passages in the Royal residence so Sinclair couldn’t track me through the halls. As far as I know, my mate doesn’t even know these baths exist. They’re a relic from a bygone era, when social bathing was fashionable. I wouldn’t have known about them if I hadn’t asked. Luckily, the King, amused by my schemes, hasn’t hesitated to help, despite his friendship with my mate.

“This is silly,” Cora complained, rolling her large brown eyes. “He can’t make you forgive him if you’re not ready.”

I snorted with laughter, rubbing my belly and sharing my amusement with my unborn pup. “Try telling that to an Alpha,” I retorted wryly. “As far as Dominic’s concerned, he can declare our fight over and sex me into complacency.”

“I still don’t see why you have to hide. I mean, he might think that, but it’s not like it could actually work…” She trailed off, studying me closely. “Right?”

“Well, not the way you mean,” I admitted, flushing crimson. “It’s not like it would change my feelings or make me forget why I’m upset, but I also won’t be able to resist him,” I confessed, heat pooling in my belly at the thought. “He has this power over me, Cora. Even though I want to stay angry because I feel in my bones I’m right, part of me still wants him to find me, because he’s my mate and it’s right that he should.” She still looked confused, so I continued: “It’s a mark of his power, proof that I don’t ever have to worry about being lost because he’ll always find me. And it’s the same with sex… I respond to his dominance instinctively, and when he employs it against me… I don’t stand a chance—which I hate but also secretly love.”

“So if he figures out you’re here and drags you off like a caveman, you’ll cave?” Cora surmised, shaking her head. “My lionhearted sister? No, I don’t believe it.”

“Believe it,” I sighed mournfully. “I’ll be putty in his hands, and afterward, I’ll be all sated and sleepy, and he’ll start sweet-talking me… and the next thing you know, I’ll be cuddling up to him instead of kicking him out of bed to sleep on the couch where he belongs.”

“That sounds diabolical.” Cora frowned, sharing my indignation at such ruthless tactics.

“Just you wait,” I chuckled. “If you don’t find a way to dissuade Roger, you’ll be in the same boat soon.”

“No, actually, I think he got the message,” Cora denied, and an image flashed into my mind of an ostrich burying its head in the sand. “He hasn’t made a move or mentioned it again.”

I could only scoff. “It was just yesterday, Cora.” I briefly wondered if I was making things better or worse by warning her. The more I considered it, the more I thought a wolf like Roger might be good for my sister, and if she knew what was coming, she’d be prepared. She’d also probably resist her feelings all the more, which would egg his wolf on like nothing else. “I guarantee he didn’t give up that quickly. In fact, the quieter things are, the more worried I’d be. Knowing wolves, he’ll wait until the very moment you think you’re safe before jumping out and snatching you up.”

“Very well put, mate.” Sinclair’s rumbling voice sounded behind us, and Cora and I both jumped. I didn’t know how he managed to sneak up on us, given my attunement to his scent, but damned if he hadn’t found a way. Cora and I swam to the other side of the pool, determined to escape, but Sinclair was too fast. He was waiting when I reached the water’s edge, and before I could even turn, he plucked me from the bath.

“Dominic, let me go! This isn’t fair!” I objected, wriggling in his arms.

“I disagree,” he purred with dark amusement. “These were your terms, baby. You set the challenge, and I rose to it. And before you try to pretend otherwise, you should know I can feel how satisfied your wolf is. She knows this is the way it’s supposed to be.”

He was right, the tyrant. My wolf was ready to roll over and show him her belly, to invite his inner animal to ravish her, as if she weren’t just as upset as I was that he was leaving—if not more so. I muttered mutinously under my breath, but Sinclair didn’t seem to mind; he simply hoisted me into his arms and nodded to Cora before carrying me from the room.

“You’re dripping water everywhere, you know,” I told him bitterly, crossing my arms as we moved through the halls.

“Am I?” he inquired, sounding far too pleased with himself. “From where I’m standing, it looks like you’re the one making a mess of the King’s lovely parquet.” He had a point. I was the one who was wet, but I’d taken a towel to the baths, and he’d abandoned it in his determination to be an ogre.

Simultaneously, his wolf growled in my head, making sultry declarations that had my own wolf squirming with anticipation and need. Such a naughty mate, hiding from me, disguising your delectable scent… wasting the precious time we have left together making me search for you… fighting me when all I want is to take care of you. What am I going to do with such an unruly little she-wolf?

You could release me and apologize for being a big bully and not letting me do my job as your Luna, she sassed in reply. If I’m unruly, it’s only because you’re being especially unreasonable.

Sinclair strode into our rooms, set me on the ground, and closed the door behind him. He stood before me, hands on his hips, looming so close that mere inches separated us. No, it means you’re frightened and hurt and lashing out at me when all I’m doing is trying to protect our family, he corrected me sternly.

Sinclair prowled forward, and I backed away, bracing myself for more admonitions. Instead, his features softened as he reached for me. And that’s okay, because I don’t like it any more than you do, and I know how important stability is to your sense of well-being—especially now that you’re breeding, he shared, surprising me with his empathy. I also know that I represent stability and safety to your wolf, so while you may be expressing your frustration about your role as my Luna, the real issue here is separation anxiety. Sinclair concluded firmly. Am I wrong?

“No,” I squeaked, so caught up in our conversation that I couldn’t stop to think how strange and right it seemed that this was all happening in our heads.

“I thought not.” Sinclair nodded, never taking his eyes off me. “I know it’s frightening to feel so attached to me, when you’ve never relied on anyone this way before—but what you need to understand is that this is what being mated is for wolves. It’s not a sign of weakness or unhealthiness; it’s a tribute to the depth and strength of our connection. I feel the same dependence on you, Ella, but it doesn’t scare me because I know it’s right.”

For a moment, I was truly startled by how well he seemed to understand my feelings, but I quickly realized how foolish this was. Of course, he knew; I’d probably sent half of these thoughts through our bond. Still, it was more reassuring than I could have imagined to feel so seen by the man I loved.

Sinclair continued, bearing down on me as I instinctively retreated. “It’s also why it’s so important that we don’t waste a single minute together. Now that we’ve shared this love, life without it seems unimaginable and fucking unbearable—and there might come a day when that happens, as much as I despise that possibility.”

Suddenly, I felt absolutely wretched for avoiding my mate—for running and hiding when he was exactly right. I was on the verge of tears for the dozenth time that day, but this was the first time it was due to my own guilt rather than my misplaced anger with Sinclair. “I’m sorry,” I hiccuped, speaking aloud for the first time. I stopped backing away, leaning forward and wrapping my arms around his middle. “You’re right. I’ve been acting like a child.”

Sinclair purred and returned my embrace, squeezing me tightly. “You’ve been acting like a she-wolf who’s afraid, and one whose mate isn’t giving her what she needs… but I just can’t this time, sweetheart.”

“I know,” I nodded, sniffling. “But it was easier to blame you than face my feelings.”

“I know,” he crooned, giving me the same acceptance and confirmation I’d just offered. A moment later, his tender tone went dark and sultry. “But we still have tonight, plenty of time for me to give you that dominance you hate but secretly love…”

I gulped, my eyes widening as I took in his wolfish features, recalling my conversation with Cora. “You heard that?” “Oh yes, trouble,” he confirmed, sensual promise in his deep voice. “I certainly did.”

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