Accidental Surrogate for Alpha-Chapter 303: Dedicated to the Goddess
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 1 mins read
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As a group, we ventured into the dark forest.

"Did we have to come to such a creepy place?" I asked Sinclair, looking warily around. My wolf usually thrived under the trees, but today, I felt her apprehension.

"It's a sacred space," Sinclair explained, smiling and placing a hand on my back to steady me. "Do you feel it? The magic in the air?"

"How could I miss it?" I murmured, looking around. "This place isthick with it."

It was true—I couldn't see anything, but I felt the sacredness. Whether it was inherently special or made so by the repeated dedication ceremonies, this patch of forest was unique. Even the trees were different—their trunks darker and thicker, their branches more elegantly twisted. The feeling wasn't unpleasant, justdifferent.

I glanced at Cora, who looked uncomfortable. She was the only human in our party, and though she lacked a wolf's sensitivity, I knew she sensed the difference. I offered a warm smile, which she returned, moving closer.

"This place is weird," she whispered, rubbing her arms as if cold. "Scared," I corrected. "But yeah, sacred and weird."

We followed a well-worn path—worn smooth by countless feet over the years—easy enough even for Henry's wheelchair. Once the vans were out of sight, obscured by the dense trees, I saw a figure ahead, dressed in silver robes.

"Welcome," she called, her voice familiar. It was the priestess from the temple. We greeted her, and she smiled down at Rafe, still asleep in my arms.

"Are you ready?" she asked, and a knot formed in my stomach. I wasn't ready—not at all. I hadn't been separated from Rafe since his few hours in the hospital nursery. Since then, I'd stayed within a room's distance, minimizing even that. And now I was handing him over to his godparents for a nighttime ceremony in the woods?

My maternal instincts screamed at me to take him home, but the priestess smiled warmly, as if reading my mind. My wolf nudged me reassuringly.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I sighed, still anxious. Sinclair's hand pressed firmly against my back.

"The child?" the priestess asked, extending her hands. Sighing, I gave Rafe to her, then wrapped my arms around Sinclair, resting my head on his chest. I trusted Cora and Roger, but until Rafe was back, I needed Sinclair's nearness.

The priestess cooed to the fussing baby, then nodded to Cora and Roger, who stepped forward. Holding Rafe carefully, she began the ceremony.

"Who presents this child for dedication?" she called, her voice strong and resonant.

"We do," Sinclair replied, his voice equally resonant. "His mother and I."

The priestess nodded, acknowledging our intent. "And who will carry this boy to meet the Goddess?"

"We will," Roger responded, surprising me by taking Cora's hand. I looked at Sinclair, unsure if this was part of the ceremony or just Roger being Roger, but his expression was unreadable. Cora looked as surprised as I was. The priestess nodded to them, then placed Rafe in Cora's arms. "Take him," she said, gesturing into the forest. "To the pool. Let him bask in the full moon's light, so he may know his Goddess, and she may offer insight into his future. Accept this gift."

"We will," Roger replied steadily. Cora nodded, less certain but determined.

The priestess stepped aside, allowing them to pass. I watched until they disappeared into the darkness, my heart pounding. Then, I held my breath and waited.


"You'd think," I muttered, frustrated as I tripped over another root, "they'd clear the path better, since people come here monthly."

"Here, give me Rafe," Roger offered, helpful but irritated by my slow pace. "If you fall, you'll crush him—"

"No!" I retorted, glaring. "The priestess gave him to me."

"I'm sure she didn't mean for you to trip and crush him," Roger replied, slightly crabby.

"Oh, shut up," I muttered, hurrying. I wanted to be anywhere but alone in the woods with Roger. But I immediately tripped again, stumbling in the darkness. Roger caught me before I fell, grabbing my shoulders.

"All right?" he asked.

"Fine," I snapped, embarrassed. I glared, but he laughed, dropping his hands.

"Sorry," he said. "Next time I'll let you fall."

"Justtake the baby," I sighed, handing Rafe to him. He held him awkwardly, like a football. My turn to laugh.

He glared back. "I don'thold a lot of kids" he murmured, adjusting the fussing Rafe.

"Clearly," I replied, smirking.

"Let's just go," Roger sighed, heading off.

Relief flooded me as I saw a silver pool in the distance. "Great," I said, mostly to myself. "The pool—let's dedicate this kid and get this over with."

"Agreed," Roger replied, striding ahead.

"Hey!" I called, frustrated. "Wait up!"

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