I woke up groggy a few hours later, having slept poorly. Instantly, however, I felt something different in my body.
As my eyes cracked open, I had no idea what it was, nor any interest in finding out. Nothing felt wrong; it was simply…different. Yawning, I snuggled back against my naked mate, my spine against his warm stomach. Sinclair let out a deep, sleepy growl and tightened his arm around me, holding me close even in his sleep. I smiled, happiness washing over me at the loveliness of having a mate who held and protected me, even unconsciously.
He was so warm, the bed so soft, the sheets so smooth against my bare skin that I almost fell back asleep. But then, my eyes snapped open.
Something new was within me.
As I pieced it together, I became instantly, starkly awake—as was Rafe, I realized, peering through the darkness from his crib. My sweet baby stared at me curiously through the slats, almost as if he felt it too: this new thing within me, a bond not there hours before, now a tiny silver thread. My hands flew to my mouth, and my eyes filled with tears. Though I hadn't experienced this with Rafe (my wolf hadn't been awake then to help me feel it), I knew exactly what it was.
My voice trembled as I barely whispered the word:
Rafe gurgled something, smiling and leaning forward, grasping the crib’s edges, trying to pull himself up closer—almost as if he knew too. I laughed, the sound bubbling up, rich with joy. “Baby!” I repeated, sitting up.
“What?” Sinclair murmured sleepily, his hand drifting to my waist as I spun to him, pushing him onto his back and straddling him, my hands on his chest. “Baby!” I shrieked, thrilled beyond words, unable to contain myself, think coherently, or make sense. Sinclair blinked awake, his hands tightening on my hips as he stared up at me, confused and worried. But one look at my thrilled face reassured him. “Dominic!” I breathed, laughing and giggling as I leaned forward. “Don’t you feel it!?” He frowned, confused for a moment. “Ella,” he murmured, “what…” But then his eyes widened, and I knew he felt it too.
Sinclair sat up, shifting me slightly so I sat in his lap, his arms tightening around me as he stared into my face.
“Oh my god,” he murmured, still shocked, still sensing it, making sure it was real. “Ella, it’s…”
“A baby!” I shrieked, throwing my hands in the air.
“A baby,” he murmured, tears welling in his eyes as a mystified smile touched his lips. “Oh my god, Ella, another baby…” I squealed with delight, wrapping my arms around his shoulders as he rested his head against my neck, taking shaky, happy breaths, sharing his emotions through the bond: happiness, anxiety, joy, pride, and thrilled fatherhood. I placed my hand on his cheek, lifting his face to mine, grinning and wiping away his shocked, happy tears. “A little baby, Dominic,” I murmured, beaming. “A brand new baby!”
“The best surprise I’ve ever gotten, Ella,” he murmured, staring at me as if I were a marvel, sniffing away his tears, still laughing in shock. He pulled back slightly, looking down at my stomach as if he’d see a baby bump, though there was nothing yet. I laughed again, pulling his face back to mine and kissing him, sharing my joy through the bond. This moment—I’d waited for it my whole life. A little surprise baby, much desired and already much loved. Sinclair kissed me back with all his love, holding me close and rocking me before letting me go, laughing again.
“Wait,” he said, eager and thrilled. “Let’s check—”
“What?” I breathed, suddenly curious and anxious. Was the baby all right?
“Here,” he said, placing a steady hand on my cheek. “Close your eyes,” he murmured, excitedly but softly. I did as he said, releasing a deep breath and lightly draping my arms around his neck before closing my eyes. I felt Sinclair connect with me through our bond, and then together we turned to the little silver bond between us, as with Rafe’s—so slim, so tenuous, so new. I felt Sinclair mentally reach out and gently stroke it. In a glowing rush, I suddenly knew so much about her.
Her bond felt much like her brother’s, but with a streak of sweetness and determination—not that Rafe lacked those traits, but hers were stronger. When I opened my eyes, they were filled with tears, and my lower lip trembled.
“Did you know all this?” I asked quietly, overwhelmed. “When Rafe was still growing? When he was this little?”
Slowly, Sinclair nodded.
“Why didn’t you tell me!?” I asked, laughing and smacking his shoulder.
“I didn’t want you to be jealous,” he murmured, “which you definitely would have been.” I laughed, conceding the point as tears slipped down my cheeks. I looked down at my flat belly and pressed a hand over where she existed, where she would grow. “She’s already…like the start of a whole little person in there…”
“We’re born who we are,” Sinclair murmured, “so much of our personality already intact. It makes sense that it would be there in the beginning.”
“Yeah,” I said, rubbing my belly absently, then bursting into a grin again, sniffing back my tears and lifting my eyes to my mate’s. “Plus,” I said, joy sweeping through me again, “it’s a little girl!” I squealed the last word, thrilled, making Sinclair laugh his booming laugh and pull me close.
“I know,” he whispered, falling back onto the mattress and taking me with him, turning me so we lay side-by-side, our faces close.
“You two are going to run me ragged.”
“That’s the plan,” I said, giggling, running a finger down his cheek. “Now the numbers are even. But me and Babygirl are going to get Rafe on our side for the important votes—don’t worry.”
“Oh?” Sinclair asked dryly, raising an eyebrow. “Is this family suddenly a democracy?”
“Oh,” I said, pouting and teasing him, “did the poor King think he was in charge? Get it out of your head, Dominic,” I said, laughing and shoving his shoulder. “Me and Babygirl are in charge now.”
“Is that what we’re calling her?” Sinclair asked softly, his eyes shining, taking in my face. “Babygirl Sinclair?”
I smiled, gazing back at him, feeling him connect with the new baby, already sending love down the tiny sliver of a bond.
I wrinkled my nose. “Just for now,” I whispered. “Although Princess Babygirl is very cute.”
“A Princess,” he said, his eyebrows rising as if considering it for the first time. “Wow, a Princess…”
“Our Princess,” I whispered, grinning and leaning in for a kiss. But before I got very far, my phone on my bedside table rang.
I sat straight up. Only one call would come at this hour.