Chapter 156: A Liar and an Addict
Javier possessed a certain charm, particularly when formally dressed. In his tailored suit, he projected the image of a handsome young man on the verge of proposing, his nervousness barely concealed.
"One shouldn't judge a book by its cover," Danielle remarked skeptically. "Looking at him, one might believe his moral values align perfectly with his well-groomed exterior." She scoffed. "So, he's here to propose? Has he turned over a new leaf, or is he merely pursuing what he considers true love?"
Her laughter betrayed her disbelief, making it clear she wasn't easily duped.
"The idea that a gambler can simply quit his vices, and that a man's word is always trustworthy, are lies," Danielle analyzed coldly. "This man has both vices; this entire scenario is a charade. He's attempting to deceive Scarlett." "Agreed," Christopher said. "Let's observe his next move."
As they settled into their seats, the surrounding crowd buzzed with anticipation. Nearby, Christopher and Rosalie were equally intrigued.
"I knew it!" Christopher whispered. "This guy has racked up another gambling debt—fifty million! And he's already received threats from the creditor."
As Christopher and Rosalie watched Javier on stage, accepting congratulations with a shy smile, the irony wasn't lost on them. Once married, he would gain access to Scarlett's substantial earnings, likely viewing her wealth as a solution to his financial problems.
"The audacity!" Rosalie exclaimed. "To think someone he's deceived would marry him and settle his debts!"
The Quirk siblings shared this sentiment, finding Javier's scheme delusional. Finding seats, they watched, their expressions a mix of amusement and disbelief.
"Really? There's a live stream?" Danielle asked sharply. "You could have warned us! Be careful what you say," she cautioned quietly. Isabella then noticed not only a professional camera crew but also several people using their mobile phones to stream the event.
If rejected, it would be in front of the entire internet. Was he overly confident, or did he intend to exploit Scarlett's gentle nature through moral manipulation? Christopher and Rosalie leaned toward the latter, considering moral entrapment more likely.
Upon noticing the live stream, Taylor and Riley dispatched their crew to investigate.
[Time Stamp: 17:04 Mon, Oct 7]
Chapter 156: A Liar and an Addict (Continued)
A rapper group, present to support Javier, had gathered.
The production team ultimately allowed the live stream, considering it potential promotion for their next episode. Live streaming wasn't officially prohibited, and shutting it down seemed impractical. Isabella checked the live broadcast, realizing it would provide a clearer view of the stage, which was difficult to hear from their seats.
Initially, the live stream (run by a friend of Javier's from the rap scene) had few viewers. But news that this was the set of My Acting Skill and that Scarlett was the target of the proposal boosted its popularity. Viewers rushed in to see the commotion.
"The flowers are all Scarlett's favorites; my buddy really put his heart into this," the rapper hosting the stream explained, answering questions. "Javier truly loves Scarlett. He even prepared a surprise. I've never seen him put so much effort into anything before. He's genuinely determined to make a life with her."
Audience comments flooded in: Didn't they break up? When did they get back together? They're getting married now?
"Breaking up doesn't necessarily mean the end of love," the rapper added. "Besides, Mrs. Pearson has grown quite fond of Scarlett." He implied past issues were due to Freya's nitpicking.
Isabella scoffed internally. Ah, so you're also a gambling addict. No wonder you're spewing lies.
Christopher and Rosalie, also watching the live stream, felt disgust and amusement watching Javier act as if he were doing his best friend a favor.
"More importantly, Javier has secured the support of his future in-laws," the rapper continued. "Scarlett's mother and uncle are keeping this a secret from her. Everyone is anticipating a romantic proposal." Positive comments flooded in.
"Those two actually agreed?" Danielle voiced her confusion. "I remember when Scarlett and Javier were dating; they both seemed displeased."
Isabella found it strange. Initially, they were reluctant because they feared Scarlett marrying and escaping their control, losing her as a financial resource. But now
Christopher and Rosalie were listening when someone shouted, "Quiet down, she's coming!"
Silence fell. The overhead lights dimmed, leaving only candlelight. A slow melody began, and Javier sang a love song.
Despite his talent, Isabella and the others found his performance insincere. A figure hesitantly stepped onto the candlelit path, gently encouraged by the crowd. At the path's end, a figure knelt.
As the lights returned and the crowd cheered, Isabella watched Sienna and Bartholomeo Constantine lead Scarlett toward the stage, while Freya observed quietly.
The live stream showed a naturally beautiful woman with an unnervingly stiff and pale expression, betraying her distress. Javier, seemingly oblivious, began his plea: "Lettie, I was wrong. You know how much I love you. I can't live without you. I upset you, but I swear, from now on, I'll do whatever you ask. I've sorted out all my issues. Please, give me another chance."
He opened a ring box. "Scarlett, please marry me. I know you've always longed for a home, and I want to be the one to give that to you. We'll have children and a loving family. I swear, this time, I won't let you down."
To outsiders, his words might have seemed typical, but Scarlett, Isabella, and the Quirks knew he was referring to his gambling addiction.
While his eyes showed sincerity, Isabella thought, Darn it, appearances can be deceiving. With acting skills like that, it's a shame you're not on the big screen. Just like Danielle said, men are full of lies. Javier's not just a liar; he's a vampire wanting to suck every drop of Scarlett's blood!
(Word Count: 1,600 approximately)