Chapter 853
After Amelia's death, Viola had no choice but to continue managing the household. The accounts were in dire straits. Reluctant to use her personal savings, Viola decided to visit Charlotte and seek help. She presented the family ledger, suggesting Charlotte take over.
Still grieving Amelia, Charlotte reacted angrily to Viola's suggestion, throwing the ledger back. She stormed into Rebecca's room, declaring, "I demand a separation of the family!"
"Isn't there already enough gossip? What will people say if we split now?" Rebecca snapped, furious.
"Your sins brought this upon us! Why should I suffer? We're separating! When the men return tonight, we'll divide everything."
"You're being unreasonable! The money's gone, the properties are gone—what is left to divide?"
"I'll build a wall and a separate entrance for my residence!" Charlotte snarled, resolute.
"You've lost your mind! Your branch has no resources, no connections! How will you survive?" Rebecca retorted.
"Anything is better than being ridiculed because of you! Your family sold public property—you must return our share!" Charlotte stormed out, leaving Rebecca seething.
"I'll die of anger! Viola should manage the household, not run to Charlotte! And Amelia—even dead, she causes trouble!"
Rebecca summoned Viola, scolding her for stirring up trouble. She ordered Viola to cover any household shortfall herself, to be reimbursed later.
The anger shifted from Rebecca to Viola. Viola resented Rebecca's demand to cover household expenses from her own funds. However, she couldn't refuse. Amelia's funeral had nearly depleted their monthly funds. Servants' wages, winter clothing bills, and New Year preparations demanded immediate attention.
Overwhelmed, Viola felt she was losing everything.
Following a royal edict requiring special training, Barrett spent his days training with Violet. The training grounds were at Capital Guard headquarters, but Violet taught limited personal lessons. Barrett, the newly appointed Crown Guard Commander, often found himself polishing weapons.
Amelia's suicide deeply affected Barrett; he believed his wife was involved and blamed Viola's domineering attitude. He preferred the training grounds to confronting Viola at home.
The second snowfall lasted two days. Valor Estate's charcoal supply dwindled, making the house cold. Rebecca needed charcoal, so Viola used her own money to buy several cartloads.
Despite Viola's efforts, Rebecca caught a chill and fell ill, triggering old ailments, requiring Snowdrop Pills. Viola sent ten silver coins to Arcane Sanctum, but they refused to sell any, Amelia's previous devotion having been the only exception. Attempts by Valor Estate staff to purchase the pills failed.
Urgently, Barrett considered asking his Capital Guard contacts, unaware that a prior diagnosis was required. Sebastian insisted on proof of need.
As Rebecca's condition worsened, she told Viola, "You should do as Amelia did and kneel at Arcane Sanctum for the medicine."
Shocked, Viola exclaimed, "Are you mad? I'm pregnant!"
"You're disrespectful!" Rebecca gasped, her rage evident as she hurled a cup at Viola's head.