Axel had been stopping by more frequently, and I was constantly seeing werewolves at the inn. I was worried, especially after Mr. Greyback’s death. Something felt wrong.
Since the school year started, I had less help during the day. I was usually at the desk, checking people in and doing paperwork. It was nearing lunch when Axel arrived.
“Hey, Axel,” I greeted him.
“Heya, Lemon. How are you today?” he asked, stopping at the desk.
“Just busy. And you?” I replied.
“Hoping you might have lunch with me?” he said, wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes, trying to hide my smile. Axel was cute, but I wasn't sure he was my type. Lea had briefly explained the whole “wolfy soulmate” thing, but it sounded messy.
“Aren’t there other girls to flirt with?” I asked.
“Beautiful women are my kryptonite,” he joked. “If you won’t join me, I’ll order to go.”
“I can order it for you; it might be faster,” I offered.
“I wasn’t in a rush, but since you’re denying my invitation again, I guess I’ll eat on the go,” he said, feigning disappointment.
I scrunched my nose. “You’re making me feel bad,” I admitted.
He gave me puppy-dog eyes. “Is it working?” he asked.
“Nope!” I hummed, turning to the kitchen to get his lunch. I heard his exasperated sigh as I went.
Ten minutes later, I returned with his food. “Extra cookies for the disappointment,” I smiled, handing him the bag.
“It would be easier to eat with me,” he said.
“In your dreams,” I retorted.
“For now,” he shot back, winking and leaving. I shook my head, returning to my computer, trying to forget his charming face.
I finished the timesheets and balanced the week’s expenses when the bell chimed. I expected one more late check-in.
Two oddly dressed gentlemen entered. Their long clothes seemed strange for the late summer heat. They had strange smirks. “Welcome to the Blue Moon Inn. I’m Lemon; how can I help you?”
“Do you taste like lemons?” one asked.
“Excuse me?” I gasped, stepping back.
“Don’t mind him,” the other said. “He’s a bit… peckish.”
I looked between them, clearing my throat. Axel could have scared them off if he'd waited. I discreetly pulled out my phone. “Do you have a reservation?” I asked.
“No,” the first one said. “But we didn’t come for a room.”
“Interested in lunch?” I asked, trying to unlock my phone. Lea had said to call Axel if anyone strange gave me weird vibes. I tried to stay calm.
The first one laughed. “Something like that,” he said.
“The dining room is through there. A server will be with you shortly,” I said, pointing. Luckily, it was empty.
I unlocked my phone and speed-dialed Axel. “I don’t think that will work for us,” the second one said.
“Oh?” I asked.
“We have particular tastes. Typical menus don’t suit us,” the first one said. I swallowed nervously.
“Let me get you a menu,” I suggested, nervousness creeping into my voice. I gripped my phone, stepping away. I turned quickly, wanting to escape to my office.
In an instant, the second man was in front of me. “Ah, ah, ah,” he said. “Rude to run off mid-meal.” He shook his finger and stepped closer.
“M-meal…” I whispered, stepping back. Fear gripped me. They were bad news. I took another step back as a hand gripped my bicep, spinning me around.
“Oh, look at this,” he said, taking my phone. “Making a call. How rude!”
“Leave!” I demanded.
“But we’ve only just begun,” the one behind me said. I trembled, fearing for myself and the kitchen staff. The man in front of me had a sinister smile as he crushed my phone.
The front door burst open. Two of Axel’s men tackled the man in front of me. Cold hands yanked me backward. Then I saw Axel.
“Let her go!” he growled. His teeth lengthened, his eyes pitch black.
I felt something brush my neck. Axel lunged toward me as the man behind me seemed to be pulled away. I squeezed my eyes shut as Axel’s arms enveloped me as we fell.
“Get them to the basement! Tie them up!” Axel commanded. There was a struggle, then silence. Axel shifted, brushing my bangs from my forehead.
“Lemon,” he said softly. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”
I opened my eyes. He looked worried; his fangs were gone, his eyes honey-colored. “I-I’m okay,” I stuttered.
“We never expected them to be so bold. I’m so sorry,” he said.
“It’s okay,” I said. “I’m glad you came.”
He smiled gently. “I’ll always answer your call.” He helped me up. “Why don’t you go to your office and relax? I’ll call Liam and Lea. I’ll clean this up, then check on you, okay?”
I nodded. “Sure,” I said.
Azalea was reserved for days after cleaning out the old man’s cottage. She seemed heartbroken. My heart ached for her loss.
We assumed Warwick sent someone to attack Mr. Greyback. I knew about Warwick’s connection to Greyback but hadn’t told anyone. Now, I needed to.
Telling Azalea about my grandfather’s actions sickened her. She knew Greyback fought Warwick, recalling parts of their conversation in her cell. She didn’t know about my grandfather’s prior actions.
It got worse. I told my father before our allies. He was unreceptive, arguing about judging wartime decisions. I insisted no conflict justified sacrificing pack members.
There was no calm. As my father stormed out, enraged by my disclosure of family secrets, Maddox and Missy rushed in.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Axel called,” Maddox said.
“Something in town?”
“Dad, vampires attacked the inn.”
Azalea, Maddox, Missy, Azeron, and I sped to the inn. Axel waited in the lobby. “Lemon sent home unnecessary staff and shut down dinner,” he said. “We have them in the basement, but we waited to question them.”
“Where’s Lemon?” Azalea asked.
“In her office,” he said, looking sad. “She says she’s okay, but won’t talk to me…”
Azalea went to the manager’s office. Missy and Azeron followed.
“Let’s go,” I told Axel. He led Maddox and me to the basement laundry room. The vampires were tied to chairs. One was knocked out, bleeding from his lip. The other had a smug expression.
I stopped before them. “Maddox, this might be hard, but if you want to lead the warriors, you must accept this,” I said, crossing my arms. Maddox stood behind me.
“Yes, sir,” he replied. “I understand.”
“This isn’t pretty, and that’s why we leave the girls out. Sometimes, it’s the only way,” I said.
I took a deep breath. “Why are you here?” I asked.
“You know why, puppy dog,” the awake one spat.
“Did he send you?” I asked.
“Who?” he said, feigning ignorance.
“Let’s jog your memory,” I said, punching him across the face. I shook out my knuckles. He slowly looked up, a smug smile on his face.
“Is that all? I thought you were the big bad one?” he taunted.
“Where is Warwick?” I growled, growing angrier.
“Warwick who?” he said, playing dumb. My fist connected with his face again.
I continued to strike him, asking repeatedly about Warwick. Blood leaked from his lips; I’d likely cracked his teeth. He continued to chuckle and refuse to answer.
I moved to the other vampire, slapping him awake.
“Nice of you to join us,” I sneered. “Where’s your Sire?”
“Who?” he said, then sniffed the air. “Ugh, just what I need. Ode de mutt all over me.”
My fist landed on his nose with a loud crunch. Maddox visibly flinched. “Where is Warwick? Why did he send you here?”
The man laughed. “I’m just here for a snack,” he said venomously. “But you puppies ruined the fun.”
I sent my fist into his chin, snapping his head back. I turned to Axel and his men. “Maddox, Axel, interrogate them. I want their orders.”
I stormed off to find Azalea, Missy, and Lemon.
I have removed the asterisks from the words "lip" and "blood" as they are not necessary for understanding the text and their inclusion would be inappropriate in a clean version of the passage.