His Redemption (Complete His Series)
Posted on March 12, 2025 · 0 mins read
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“Two of them, sir,” my minion reported.

I sighed heavily. “And who exactly turned them? Are they even of my kin?”

“We aren’t sure yet. But they entered the inn his mate owns, harassed the manager, but we believe some wolves arrived before they could harm her,” he reported.

“And I assume Blackfur arrived shortly thereafter?”

“Yes, sir. He and his mate arrived within about forty-five minutes.”

“It just isn’t like it used to be…,” I drawled. “Oh well. I didn’t plan it, but they won’t get anything from those plebeians. I’ll take it as another small chip in Blackfur’s armor. I’m sure the death of Greyback was troublesome enough.”


Liam entered the office while Lemon and Lea were talking. Lemon was shaken up but glad Axel was there. I sensed that, after this, Axel would be at the inn frequently, eliminating the need for Liam to instruct him.

Liam’s blood-splattered shirt indicated he’d been interrogating vampires. He’d washed his hands, but the stain remained.

I looked around him for Maddox but didn’t see him. Liam silently answered my unspoken question: “Maddox is with Axel, questioning the vampires.”

Worry churned in my stomach. Maddox aspired to be a warrior, but this was different. “He’ll be fine,” Liam said before I could protest. I bit my tongue, hoping Maddox would appear any minute.

We took Lemon home, and a patrol wolf remained outside to ensure her safety. Lea assured her Axel would check on her later. Liam stayed at the inn while Azeron drove us home. After Lemon was safely home, we returned to the packhouse.

“Aren’t we going back to the inn?” I asked.

“No,” Lea said. “Your father and Maddox will return when they’re finished, sweetheart.” Azeron gave me a sympathetic look in the rearview mirror.

They dropped me off, with several warriors stationed outside my house. The “never go alone” rule was clearly in effect. I waited an hour on the couch, then spent an hour cleaning the kitchen and sweeping the floors, followed by another hour pacing and chewing my nails.

Finally, Maddox entered. “Maddox!” I exclaimed, rushing to him.

I embraced him. “Hey, darling,” he murmured.

“Why were you gone so long? What happened?” I asked, pulling away. His pained expression and the blood on his shirt alarmed me.

“Can I shower first?” he asked solemnly. I nodded, watching him with wide eyes. He kissed my forehead before heading upstairs.

I watched him go, then listened for the shower to start. As soon as I heard it, I called Axel.

“Missy, what’s wrong?” he answered.

“What did he do?” I asked. I heard Axel sigh.

“Your father wouldn’t have made him do it if he didn’t think he could handle it,” Axel reasoned.

“He watched his pack be slaughtered. Why? He doesn’t need to be involved in this,” I argued.

“Missy, we’re at war. Your mate is ambitious and skilled. He could easily replace Sean or me eventually. But he must be willing to get his hands dirty, and you know that. I don’t like it, your dad doesn’t like it, but it’s reality. We’re werewolves; this is our way.”

“That’s bullshit,” I said.

“I’m sorry, Missy, but you aren’t a child anymore,” he said. I hung up, exasperated by his excuses.

Holland was frantic in my head. I knew Maddox wasn’t okay. I went upstairs and sat on the bed, listening to the shower. After thirty minutes, I worried.

I knocked, but got no answer. I opened the door and called, “Maddox?” I saw his still silhouette, but he wasn’t moving.

“Go to him,” Holland urged. I started undressing and approached the shower.

“Maddox?” Still no response. I slowly opened the door. He leaned against the wall, water cascading over him. I embraced him; he was ice-cold.

“Sorry, I just…” he whispered.

“No,” I said, resting my head against his back. “I know…”

“I know what they were; I know they came to hurt Lemon. I just…” he trailed off.

“My dad shouldn’t have made you do that….”

“They’re dead. They can’t hurt anyone else,” he said almost inaudibly.

“You don’t have to do it,” I said. He shook his head and straightened. He turned, embraced me.

“I’ll do anything to protect you,” he said. “I’ll be okay. You don’t have to worry.” I looked into his tired but determined face. I nodded and hugged him tightly.

After a minute, I asked, “Can we get out of this cold water now?” Maddox laughed.


Things were deteriorating rapidly. We’d been hopeful after the summit that we could reach Warwick and stop him before he caused more harm.

Now Greyback was dead, and vampires were attacking human settlements. A constant stream of warriors from other packs trained at our packhouse with Liam and Langston. Liam seemed increasingly stressed.

They obtained nothing from the vampires at the inn, and Austin believed they weren’t working for Warwick, or at least not directly. Other packs were discovering evidence of vampire activity. Andris and Karsyn captured one, but it yielded no information.

A few days after the inn incident, Austin knocked on my door. “Luna, have you seen Maddox today?”

“No,” I said. “But I have a question.”

“Sure,” he said, entering. “What is it?”

“I saw Abraham at the clinic yesterday, but he fled when he saw me,” I began.

“You’re wondering about Vlad…,” Austin sighed. I nodded. Liam was so busy with training and tracking vampires that I wasn’t sure if a decision had been made regarding the boy. “He’s still imprisoned, though Abraham repeatedly requests his release.”

“Has no decision been made about his punishment?” I asked.

“The Alpha and Beta planned to base it on whether you and Missy survived. But then…”

“Damien and I returned in a coma,” I finished.

“Yes,” he said. “I’m actually looking for Maddox because Vlad is increasingly insistent on seeing Missy.”

“He wants to see Missy?” No one had mentioned this. Austin scratched his head nervously.

“Maddox and Missy may have argued about it,” he admitted.

“I can imagine,” I sighed. Vlad might have contributed to the events, but he clearly had feelings for Missy.

“Luna, can I be honest?” Austin asked.

“Absolutely,” I said. Austin entered fully, closing the door. He glanced at Azeron before continuing. “When Vlad confessed after the attack, I was as angry as Liam and Maddox. I couldn’t believe his stupidity. But then Abraham told me about his mate, and it made sense. Vlad was a scared, stupid kid. Growing up around Alpha Robert instilled a confidence in us that may have been misplaced. Vlad lacked that. He was trying to survive, and I don’t think he intended to hurt you or Liam. Warwick exploited a scared, stupid kid, and I don’t know if he should pay for life with his life. I want Damien awake, but I can’t blame it all on one kid.”

I watched him. He was genuinely concerned. I chewed my lip, considering his words. I hadn’t resolved my feelings about Vlad, but Austin had a point. Not every fifteen-year-old werewolf feels invincible. Vlad wasn’t ordinary; he was struggling with his mother’s death and his wolf when he became a target.

“Thank you, Austin,” I said. “Don’t tell Maddox. I’ll handle it.” Austin smiled tightly and left. I looked at Azeron.

“You’re going to see him in prison, aren’t you?” he asked.

“Of course. I’m deciding whether to talk to Liam first or ask for forgiveness later,” I said. Azeron raised an eyebrow. “Oh, shut up.”

Liam was in his office after dinner, reviewing a file. He looked up as I approached his desk. I closed the file and sat on his lap. “Hello,” he said.

“I need to talk to you,” I said.

“Okay,” he replied hesitantly.

“I’m going to the prison to speak with Vlad.” I stated it directly.

Liam’s eyebrows furrowed. “No,” he said.

“I wasn’t asking permission,” I clarified.

“Azalea, absolutely not. Neither you nor Missy will go near him!” Liam argued.

“According to Austin, he frequently requests to speak with her,” I said.

“He spied on us for Warwick!” Liam growled.

“I know. But he was a child, and we need to consider that. He’s been imprisoned for weeks, and I want to talk to him,” I said. Liam leaned back, closing his eyes.

“I don’t like it,” he said.

“I’ll bring my shadow,” I offered.

“You didn’t have a choice,” he corrected. I cupped his face.

“I love you, My Alpha,” I said. He sighed, kissed me.

“I love you too, Little Luna.”

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