The banks guaranteed the money, preventing direct access for the organizers. Therefore, they needed to ensure the game concluded; otherwise, the bank would automatically deduct the necessary funds from their accounts to pay the gamblers. Paying out according to the odds against Evangeline would leave them destitute. Those odds were exceptionally high.
Initially, no one believed Evangeline could win, so they set the odds at 50-1 to entice gamblers. They assumed Evangeline's loss was a sure thing, believing the money would go straight into their pockets. However, they now realized a terrible mistake: they couldn't afford to lose. Despite only a dozen bets on Evangeline, the stakes were too high. Refusal to pay would result in the International Guarantee Association auctioning off their assets. If that proved insufficient, they and their families would be kidnapped, and their organs sold. They absolutely could not lose.
John declared gravely, "After the live broadcast ends, send people to the forest to attack Evangeline. We can't delay; if we wait too long, she'll torture Jeffrey like she did Norbert and Kent!"
Kenji immediately began making arrangements. A solemn mood hung over the room. Presley attempted to alleviate concerns, saying, "Don't worry. Even if Evangeline tortures Jeffrey and he quits, we just need to ensure someone else wins. As long as she doesn't win, our losses will be minimal."
His words failed to reassure them. After Clusian gamblers placed significant bets on Evangeline, they hedged their bets by wagering heavily on Jeffrey to win, hoping to recoup their losses. Even if Evangeline didn't win first place, and someone other than Jeffrey did, they would still face substantial losses.
Live Stream Comments (Clusia):
- [Evangeline used Jeffrey's blood to detoxify the white tiger and Marian. So it was Jeffrey; otherwise, his blood wouldn't have worked as an antidote.]
Live Stream Comments (Atharia):
- [The production team is despicable! They gave Jeffrey a bow and arrows and even allowed him to drug other contestants. This is unfair competition!]
- [They don't care about failure, even if it means cheating. They can't win fairly, so they resort to dirty tricks. It's disgusting!]
- [Let's rename this show: "Only Atharians Can Win."]
[Where can we complain? I'm going to report them! They've crossed the line!]
[Evangeline has gone too far. There's no proof Jeffrey poisoned them. How dare she slander him? She didn't faint; maybe she poisoned the fire!]
- [Jeffrey is a disgrace to the Atharian people. He's been outmatched by Evangeline since the beginning.]
- [Clusians are disgusting! Every game was peaceful until they joined. This time, it's Evangeline's fault!]
- [Clusians are like cancer! They should all be disqualified. They're rule-breakers!]
The global audience reacted similarly. Suddenly, the worldwide live stream went black without warning.
In the forest, Evangeline noticed the disappearance of the red indicator lights from the surrounding drones, realizing the stream had been cut. Unfazed, she confronted Jeffrey, kicking him to the ground, grinding her foot on his face until all his teeth were knocked out. Jeffrey screamed in agony. Evangeline then used her sword to inflict further injuries, cutting off pieces of his flesh.
Jeffrey, initially defiant, pleaded for mercy, claiming innocence and threatening retribution from his wealthy supporters. Evangeline, amused by his threats, continued to torture him, eventually using her sword to inflict deeper wounds. She then applied herbs to his wounds, secretly adding flesh-eating insects whose corrosive mucus caused excruciating, burning pain.
Marian and Riley, having recovered, approached Evangeline. Marian suggested castrating Jeffrey, citing his history of raping and exploiting women. Evangeline, however, proposed a more gruesome alternative: shredding his genitals.