Dexter assumed these wealthy people had never cooked. When he unexpectedly asked them to cook, they might be clueless. So, he kindly instructed someone to create a menu, allowing the affluent men to prepare dishes from it. Beyond the specified main courses and desserts, they were free to create their own.
Dexter added, with a grim smile, "Oh, by the way, you foreigners love sauces. We haven't prepared any, so you can make your own chocolate sauce. With so many family members, you should be able to produce enough."
Hearing this, the criminals collapsed, weeping.
Evangeline chuckled. "Dexter just prepared the menu for you. You don't have to be so touched. People are so sentimental these days; even a small favor brings them to tears." Dexter replied, "They'll feel even more moved later."
The crowd, frightened and grieving, stood motionless.
Dexter said, "Because of your poor cooking skills, you have two hours. You can stand still, but if you haven't finished your families' meals in two hours, I'll arrange for someone else to do it." The criminals' faces paled. John gritted his teeth and led the way to the table, where a chopping board, knife, and apron lay. He grabbed the knife, and the others followed suit.
The setting sun bled across the horizon, mirroring the blood on the ground. The wealthy men, expressionless, methodically chopped ingredients. Their cooking skills were poor; they tossed ingredients into pots, stirred a few times, and plated the results.
It took two hours to prepare the menu's dishes, which they then brought to their families. As they were about to feed their loved ones, the bodyguards reminded them to coat the food in chocolate sauce.
Desperation etched itself on the men's faces; their bodies trembled. They poured a chocolate sauce substitute onto the food. Lacking real chocolate sauce, some used feces; others collected it from their family members. They coated the dishes in this concoction and served it. "No I won't eat this" one cried. Another shouted, "Oh, no! Kill me, I'd rather die than eat this!" A third wailed, "Take it away! I won't eat it" Those being fed resisted.
Dexter said, "Wasting food is shameful. Those who don't finish will be punished." The people serving the food began to force-feed their families.
[The remaining text is largely unintelligible and appears to be a separate, unrelated passage. It needs significant correction before it can be incorporated.]