Chapter 79: Was it Ye Mo?
Translator: Tim Editor: Tehrn
“Qingxue, are you alright?” a surprised voice called from the doorway. Li Mumei entered, followed by a joyful Lan Yu and Su Jingwen, trailed by two nurses who stared at Ning Qingxue in disbelief.
“Come in,” Ning Qingxue said, focusing her mind. Distressed as she was, she decided to put it aside for now.
“What happened? Qingxue, let me see your back,” Li Mumei said, having previously seen Ning Qingxue’s wound. Ning Qingxue’s sudden recovery, while inexplicable, filled her with genuine happiness.
Ning Qingxue shook her head. “No need. I feel fine. I don’t know what happened yesterday…” She started to explain that someone had healed her, but stopped short.
Lan Yu, despite having examined her, remained uncertain. She cautiously opened Ning Qingxue’s clothing and saw her back had completely healed, revealing flawless, clean skin. The sight brought tears to her eyes as she thanked God for her daughter’s miraculous overnight recovery.
The two nurses excitedly performed a cursory examination, confirming Ning Qingxue’s complete recovery. Having cared for her, they knew the severity of her injuries and were astounded by the sudden healing. Was it a misdiagnosis? they wondered.
When Ning Qingxue heard the doctors were arriving, she refused further examination. She knew her own body best; she was perfectly healthy, but she didn't want the world to know.
Ning Zhongfei arrived in Ning Hai that day, overjoyed by his daughter's recovery. She was his only child, his treasure. However, Ning Qingxue refused her family's pleas to leave Ning Hai, choosing to remain.
As for her healer, she had a fleeting memory. After writing her will and attempting suicide, her knife seemed to have struck another person's arm before she fainted. Was it Ye Mo? Or was she simply projecting her thoughts onto him?
When did Ye Mo learn to heal wounds? And how did he possess such skill? Ning Qingxue recalled his street medicine stall. Could it have been him? Did he truly know medicine? If so, the blood on the bed must be his.
Seeing her mother and the others depart, Ning Qingxue called Li Mumei over. Though fully recovered, she played it down to avoid suspicion.
“Mumei, can you analyze the blood on this cloth?” Ning Qingxue asked, handing Li Mumei a piece of bloodstained fabric. She wanted to know if the blood matched Ye Mo's. While blood type wouldn't be conclusive, it would provide a lead. If it was his blood, she would know who healed her and examined her, bringing her peace of mind.
Li Mumei accepted the cloth without question, understanding Ning Qingxue's unspoken desire for discretion.
Ning Qingxue's sudden recovery was the biggest news for her parents. For the students in Ning Hai, Shi Ying's victory over Pu Dongheng was the sensation. However, overshadowing both events was the earthquake that rocked the authorities: a multiple murder in a mansion. The victims were highly influential: Song Shaowen, Young Master of the Song Family, and Qian Shiping.
Qian Shiping himself was unremarkable, but his father, Qian Longtou, was a force to be reckoned with—a man whose presence could shake the ground. If Japan's Mountain Group and the West's Black Gloved Clan were powerful, Nan Qing, led by Qian Longtou, dominated the East.
Qian Longtou (real name: Qian Baihe), a native of Hu Zhong State, had entered the underworld at age 11 and commanded respect on the world stage. He commanded a private mercenary army based in Africa, while residing in a lavish mansion there. Nan Qing's operations largely ran themselves, requiring only reports to him.
Even heads of state feared offending Nan Qing's leader. Yet, his only son, born when he was 40, had been murdered in Ning Hai. This was catastrophic.
The deaths of Song Shaowen and Qian Shiping were beyond the capacity of local authorities.
Yun Bing awoke at 9 am to a ringing phone. Ye Mo slept soundly, his pale face now tinged with a hint of color, reassuring Yun Bing. She answered the phone.
It was her colleague, Wang Yu, wondering about her absence from school. Yun Bing quickly asked Wang Yu to excuse her absence. She then cleaned Ye Mo, preparing food in case he awoke.
Since rescuing him the previous night, Ye Mo had remained unconscious, briefly opening his eyes once before falling back asleep. Unable to bring herself to send him to the hospital, she was at a loss.
She wondered if Shi Ying was Ye Mo. Searching the university news forum, she stumbled upon a headline that nearly made her drop her mouse.
“Six murdered in private mansion last night…”
Wasn't that when Ye Mo was injured? Did he do it? Recalling his brutal beatings of Zhen Wenqiao and her classmate, leaving them mentally incapacitated, she suspected Ye Mo's involvement. Why was he so violent?
Examining the murder report further, she found an unofficial account revealing the truth. Two young masters from wealthy families had abducted and raped two girls in the mansion. Someone retaliated, killing six. Only the two girls survived.
Yun Bing sighed, convinced it was Ye Mo, a man who fought injustice. Last time he'd only beaten his victims, but this time he’d killed. Did he have a violent streak?
Regardless, he’d saved her life, and something far more precious. She agreed with his actions, though she disapproved of the killing; such violence was unacceptable. She also rejoiced at not taking him to the hospital, which would have exposed him.