A young man, dressed in a black shirt and pants, caught Hailey's eye. She recognized him instantly: Deelan Zamora.
Both Declan and Ewan were Vorhine University's most popular guys. Ewan, the charming and attractive son of a wealthy family, had countless female admirers. Declan, however, was a cold loner whom girls dared not approach; instead, they whispered about him in their dormitories at night.
Hailey watched Declan effortlessly pull Storm Killer away. The latter instantly came to his senses and screamed, "You audacious little punk! How dare you ruin my fun!"
Storm Killer swung his fist at Declan, but Declan swiftly dodged it and landed a punch to the former's stomach. Storm Killer slammed into a car with a bang, spitting out a mouthful of blood. Declan, with his buzz cut and rugged yet well-proportioned features, exuded a cool and aggressive charm unlike anything Hailey had ever witnessed.
With raindrops rolling down his face, Declan slowly approached Storm Killer. His muscles, bulging slightly beneath his black shirt, rose and fell as he panted from the exertion. He looked extremely masculine. Only then did Storm Killer realize he'd met his match. "P-Please Don't hit me" he begged.
Suddenly, Storm Killer's eyes glinted. He pulled out a blade and lunged at Declan.
Hatley gasped, "Watch out!"
However, Declan didn't dodge. As the blade neared, he grabbed Storm Killer's wrist, bending it until, with a crack, the arm snapped. The blade fell into Declan's hand, and he plunged it into Storm Killer's shoulder.
Storm Killer screamed in agony as Declan twisted the blade in his shoulder. Terrified—a man who had killed two people in one month—he was deeply horrified by the young man before him. Trembling, he mumbled, "M-Monster" His eyes closed, and he passed out.
Declan loosened his grip, letting Storm Killer fall to the ground. Meanwhile, Hailey was so frightened her knees buckled. After all, as the daughter of the Lamberts, she'd been sheltered and had never witnessed such a bloody scene. Declan then started walking toward her. Scared, Hailey inched backward.
She had only encountered two types of men—those as charming as Adam or as warm as Ewan. Declan was utterly unlike anyone she'd ever met, and now he was approaching. He was around her age, yet seemed far more mature and exuded an intimidating aura; his ruthlessness and violence were almost palpable. Suddenly, Hailey remembered the university rumors about Declan: his father, a drug dealer, was dead. Declan was the son of a drug dealer.
When Declan approached, Hailey asked, "W-What do you want?"
He stopped, eyed her, then threw his black coat at her, saying coldly, "Put it on."